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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Can some one help and let me know what it is I am trying,I have been eating an evening meal only this week,I am just trying to see what has results for me without to much sacrifice,I am coping ok but I do domestic cleaning as a job so I use up a lot of energy,so dinner is usually between 6 and 7 pm then I don't eat till the following night. Any replies and ideas would be great
What you describe is known as time restricted eating or eating Windows. Your version of it is called OMAD, for one meal a day. There is a Facebook group for it. Popular methods which have longer eating Windows are Fast-5 (19 hour fast, eat within 5 consecutive hours) and 16:8 (fast 16 hours, eat within 8 consecutive hours). Do you consume any calories in drinks other than with your evening meal @newgirl?
barbarita wrote: What you describe is known as time restricted eating or eating Windows. Your version of it is called OMAD, for one meal a day. There is a Facebook group for it. Popular methods which have longer eating Windows are Fast-5 (19 hour fast, eat within 5 consecutive hours) and 16:8 (fast 16 hours, eat within 8 consecutive hours). Do you consume any calories in drinks other than with your evening meal @newgirl?

Thanks for your reply Barbarita,I only drink water during the day,and 2 glasses of wine some nights
Started with 16/8 and currently 18/6 = my own adaption. The reason for not choosing 5:2 is that I have a problem with moderation and need daily consistency. I also like to be really full after a meal and with my own adaption of the diet that works well. I basically have two meals the last 1.5 hours and start the eating window with a small snack/meal with a lot of fibers.

I haven 't read all the posts on the forum, but there are not a lot of comments regarding how the gut and overall feeling responds to a diet. IMO it is not all about weightloss. If you feel crappy the whole day due to constipation, diarrhea or lack of energy is not worth it.
16/8 was, to my surprise, amazingly easy and I am pretty sure I can do that for the rest of my life. My gut responds very well to the routine (but I need to start eating with a small meal with a lot of fibers) - and I also think my brain works better during fasting period.
18/6 is a bit harder though, especially in the weekends but results seem to be better with that method. I think after I reached the BMI I am aiming for I will add a cheatday in the weekend and if possible gradually return to 16/8.
The cheatday will then still include a fasting period but maybe longer feasting window with less healthy foods and some alcohol. Also might give 5:2 a try - just to see if it works for me too.

I don't believe in a one-size=fits-all diet and that is one of the reasons why I love the fasting method, you can easily tweak it. Everyone is different (eg. age, gender, genes..) so I love to read stories from other folks that experimented with a certain diet to obtain optimal health.
I checked and realized that I had not yet answered this interesting question.
Well, some (?) years ago I heard about the 5:2 method. I had been low-carbing and it had stopped being effective.
So the 5:2 was a Godsend. I bought the book, and religiously fasted twice a week and did very well in losing my extra kilos and pounds.
I am a Christian and I am interested in the Christian fasting tradition... So when I started extended fasts before Christmas and at Lent, I used the window method.
I have also sometimes tried Alternate Day fasting.
Anyway, as I have reached my 60s, I note that the weight goes up easier and easier. So it is August now and I am doing my window fasting: 21/3. I am amazed at how easy it is. At first I lose a lot. And then I don't lose any for a while, and then I start losing again.
At the moment I have been stuck at 57.9 kg for days. But I am not worried. I feel so good on this regime. :lol:
I like good food and wine, so low cal and/or low carbing all the time just isn't for me long term. I stumbled on 5:2 (or IF) in April 2016 and read up on it quite a bit. I had never really paid much attention to calories in, which was obvious by my 202 pound, 5'2" body. I started a strictly 5:2 in May 2016. I am now not strictly 5:2. Some weeks are 6:1 and some are 4:3. I look more at my weekly caloric intake goal, which is right around 10,000 per week right now - about 3500 calories fewer than the books say my resting need is - and adjust accordingly.

I am amazed it never occurred to me (or maybe I just didn't want to think about it) to record calories consumed and adjust down days before or after I had a high caloric intake day.....
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