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Why I love 5:2!
30 Aug 2013, 18:30
I wasn't sure where to post this so I just went for the general forum.

7 weeks ago I stepped up on the scales and saw 15 stone 2 looking back at me. Given that I'm 5' 4 this put me firmly in the Obese weight range. As it happened I read an article about 5;2 that day, bought the book and thought what have I got to loose :wink: ! I did my first fast the next day.

In August we had my daughters birthday party and I just fasted once that week. We then took a 2.5 week holiday to Italy and when I say I enjoyed the food and wine, I mean it!

I got up on the scales on Sunday when we got back and it said I'd lost half a pound on holiday. I thought it was wrong and fasted Monday and Thursday as normal.

Today, despite the no fast holiday and only 1 fast the week before I can see I've lost another 2 pounds. 16 pounds in 7 weeks even with the holiday! I'm not sure how that's possible but this really works for me!

To think I thought about waiting until after the holiday to start. This just feels right! I almost can't believe it but for the first time ever I feel I've found something sustainable.
Re: Why I love 5:2!
30 Aug 2013, 19:40
Hi jejum

Its amazing isn't it, well done on your weight loss!! I only been doing this since 15 august, I was very sceptical, I only have about 7 - 10 labs to lose, but lost 5lb already and nearly 2 inches off my waist. It only feels like a diet twice a week, I love it!! Keep up the good work!!!
Re: Why I love 5:2!
30 Aug 2013, 19:41
That's fantastic Jejum, you must be sooo pleased. It's good to hear ( knowing that I'm going on holiday in 3weeks!).

So well done and keep up the good work :clover: :like:
Re: Why I love 5:2!
30 Aug 2013, 19:48
Hi jegum and Welcome you are so right this is a fantastic WOL I do so love doing it :heart: :heart: and as you can see I've done amazingly well in my 20 weeks :heart: I also started before holiday but one month and I lost one stone, but because I felt I'd gained while away I never got on the scales for another 8 days ( bit of a cheat I know) by this time I was back to normal :like: and of course carried on the good work since, so I also love this WOL probably more than you because I've a very long long way to go but I now know I will get there. Good Luck :clover: Sue
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