The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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One complaint I have about the book - the authors repeatedly call for eating a quarter of your RDI on fast days, and in the same breath say that that's 500 calories. I'm sure they are just trying to simplify the plan, and that makes sense. But at some point they should admit it's a simplification, because obviously they know that not all - not even most - women need 2000 calories/day. My TDEE, according to the calculator on the "official" site, is a mere 1300 calories. A large, very active woman could easily need 2500.
The tracker here calculates it for you. I was up over 2300 to start so nearer 600 cals. You can do either, it's only a guide.
BBT053 wrote: The tracker here calculates it for you. I was up over 2300 to start so nearer 600 cals. You can do either, it's only a guide.

I looked and looked - where it is on the tracker? Mine shows my BMI only.Help, please.
It's in the written part :like:
Hi, it's in the text if you click on progress tracker and read the paragraph below. Your BMI box is on the right of this.Hope that helps.
I'm 5ft 11 and my TDEE is 2277 with an allowance of 570 on fast days. Nearer the allowance of a man - but I'm all woman.
Just another of those things that if your are not of average height / size then you are not really thought about or catered for.
I'm actually only 5 ft the tracker here allowing me more cals was very helpful.
I hadn't looked at the tracker yet when I posted this. Interesting that the authors of the book never suggest actually consuming 1/4 of one's real TDEE on fast days, instead recommending a blanket 500/600 for everyone. So good for you, Moogie, for tweaking the diet, and providing a nice tool to help people know what they should consume if they want to really eat 1/4 of their normal daily intake.

All that said, 500/600 is also a reasonable goal for a fast day. And the online calorie calculators are so bad (example: on fatsecret, a small boneless skinless chicken breast could be anywhere from 62 to 110 calories) that your actual intake is not something you can really figure out accurately.
Thks for the reminder..i had actually forgotten i can have 574 cals on repair days...
when it comes to the crunch - literally! - 74 more cals not to be sniffed at!
Tonight it means i can have a 40 cal hot choc drink i wasnt expecting and another cup of tea!

My gosh tho,is this what my saturday night has come to!
Note to self : deffo dont choose sat again as a repair day x
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