The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

5 posts Page 1 of 1
25 Jul 2013, 11:44
Is anyone doing the "8 hour diet"?

I know Ballerina is or was doing it for maintenance, but this is actually a weight loss WOL in itself as well, so how is it that some use it for maintenance and some for weight loss? :bugeyes:

Currently reading The IF Diet by Robert Skinner & really enjoying it, it contains 3 types of IF WOLs, one of which is the "Thirder", eating for only a 3rd of the 24 hour period - and this is shown as a researched method of weight loss.

Having read that it does work for weight loss (presumably when you also watch what you eat), I'm interested in experimenting with it as I am 90% of the time a healthy eater nowadays.

Anyone else had a go & what were your findings? :?:

Re: 8:16
25 Jul 2013, 11:46
Click on this #sixteeneight and you'll see alot of posts/threads about 16:8 :)
Re: 8:16
25 Jul 2013, 12:00
Betsysgr8 wrote: Click on this #sixteeneight and you'll see alot of posts/threads about 16:8 :)

Thank you!
Didn't realise we were hashtagging now! :smile:
Re: 8:16
25 Jul 2013, 12:16
Hi Sophie
I endeavour to do 3x 16:8 weekly (eating freely in restricted timeframe where I eat healthily and the odd calorie laden snack) while still doing 2 x 5:2 and then don't do anything on weekends.

I came to this formula as I had twisted my ankle badly and in order to enable it to heal well had to forgo my usual walks and gym for a few weeks. This catapulted me into sedentary and I was determined to not put on weight with no exercise regime and hopefully continue to shed. I have been successful with steady weight loss and just tonight my DH said wow you are half your size. Slight exaggeration but I have lost 11 kgs (my tracker is a bit out).

Lots of info #5:2 + 16/8 thread very cleverly pulled together by Ballerina
Re: 8:16
25 Jul 2013, 14:59
sophieh wrote:
Betsysgr8 wrote: Click on this #sixteeneight and you'll see alot of posts/threads about 16:8 :)

Thank you!
Didn't realise we were hashtagging now! :smile:

Yes, it's a newer feature that Moogie implemented while you were on "hiatus" ;)
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