Hi everyone!
Does anyone else do ADF and find they overeat on non-fast days? I have been doing ADF for about 8 weeks now and found it totally manageable... but I think because I restrict myself so much so often I may overeat on my fast days? I always eat 2000 calories and sometimes up to high 2000s when I am drinking. Has anyone got any advice as to whether this is healthy and if they had the same issue, did they switch to 4:3 or 5:2 and find they didn't want to eat as much on feast days?
Does anyone else do ADF and find they overeat on non-fast days? I have been doing ADF for about 8 weeks now and found it totally manageable... but I think because I restrict myself so much so often I may overeat on my fast days? I always eat 2000 calories and sometimes up to high 2000s when I am drinking. Has anyone got any advice as to whether this is healthy and if they had the same issue, did they switch to 4:3 or 5:2 and find they didn't want to eat as much on feast days?