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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I have been doing the 16:8 with first meal at 1 pm last finished by 9 — for a couple weeks. Feels pretty good. IF is said to be ketogenic, so I’m adding that as well. So far so good. Anybody else interested in ketogenic diet ? 16:8 fasting ?

I’m at BMI 22-23 and aiming at 20 just because I feel so much better at 120lbs than at 137. My husb and I eat organic vegies and fish primarily.

Good luck to everybody doing this - not easy but also so interesting !
Hey! I'm doing a combination of the Keto diet and 16:8 and it seems to be working REALLY well.

I never feel hungry (perhaps because of very high level of fats and low to no suagr I'm consuming on the Keto diet?).

I also just let myself eat as much as a want during the 8 hour window, which for me is about 8-4pm. I eat an enormous breakfast and enormous lunch plus snacks if I feel like it (probably about 3 meals worth in two) and drink as a much water and herbal tea as I want (peppermint, green, ginger, jasmine etc.) plus one morning coffee.

The liquids I consume daily probably equate to around 5/6 litres. I know this sounds excessive but I'm also living in a hot climate.

I know that not everyone's schedule/work allows for an earlier eating window BUT I think not eating later in the day has been a contributing factor to why the diet is working so well for me. I feel like by the time I'm going to bed, my body is focusing on regenerative work, not digestion. I wake up with no bloating and feel actually hungry in the morning.

Also, when there's a birthday dinner etc. on, I also just let myself eat and drink a bit of alcohol and trust that the rest of the week/fortnight is enough to balance it out and so far it seems to be working and I'm still losing weight. Giving myself that permission makes this diet feel a lot more sustainable.
viola_wilde wrote: Hey! I'm doing a combination of the Keto diet and 16:8 and it seems to be working REALLY well.

I never feel hungry (perhaps because of very high level of fats and low to no suagr I'm consuming on the Keto diet?).

I also just let myself eat as much as a want during the 8 hour window, which for me is about 8-4pm. I eat an enormous breakfast and enormous lunch plus snacks if I feel like it (probably about 3 meals worth in two) and drink as a much water and herbal tea as I want (peppermint, green, ginger, jasmine etc.) plus one morning coffee.

The liquids I consume daily probably equate to around 5/6 litres. I know this sounds excessive but I'm also living in a hot climate.

I know that not everyone's schedule/work allows for an earlier eating window BUT I think not eating later in the day has been a contributing factor to why the diet is working so well for me. I feel like by the time I'm going to bed, my body is focusing on regenerative work, not digestion. I wake up with no bloating and feel actually hungry in the morning.

Also, when there's a birthday dinner etc. on, I also just let myself eat and drink a bit of alcohol and trust that the rest of the week/fortnight is enough to balance it out and so far it seems to be working and I'm still losing weight. Giving myself that permission makes this diet feel a lot more sustainable.

Hi @Viola_Wilde

First off, WELCOME and Second off -- IM COMPLETELY JEALOUS! lol I've been combining keto and 16:8 and I've only lost 1.8 pounds in the last two weeks. I know it's due to the fact that I"m enjoying a bit too much wine, but with the state of the world and politics, it's really really hard to avoid. I think I'm headed to a dry January, as I have my annual trip to Paris coming up in April. Plus I believe I'm getting a new fitbit for Christmas, so I will have no more excuses left.
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