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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Introducing a 3:2:2 variation!
27 Aug 2013, 20:27
Thought I would share a new variation on the 5:2 diet that I have naturally settled into for over a month now.....

2 fast days a week (I personally liquid fast for 36 hours, ie two sleeps)
2 "post fast days" the day after each fast day when I eat lots typically 300 calories over my TDEE
3 Normal days when I eat about 300 under my TDEE

I call it the 3:2:2 variant!

It allows me to satisfy any cravings I want and be really naughty on the days after fast day, and then to compensate equally the day after. It means I still average my TDEE for non fast days over the week and I dont feel guilty when I have a pig out after my fast day!

So far I have lost 10kg in 12 weeks!
Well done. It is pretty similar to calories cycling. I will keep that in mind ;)
Well done superfluity on your plan its obviously working for you and that's what counts, Good Luck :clover: Sue
Thank you for sharing your rutine I'm currently on week four of 5:2 and I'm experimenting with what works best for me. My first 36 hour liquid fast will be broken when I get up of my bum and make breakfast, this was better than expected.
Superfluity, Can I ask if your liquid fast consisted of 500 cals. or did you do black coffees , water etc for 36 hours?

I tend to do the opposite. A fast day, followed by a low calorie day (as I really can't eat much post fast) then the third day is my pig out day.
I tend to eat a bit less during the week and allow myself some extra over the weekend :)

I had wondered if your 3:2:2 was the same as TML's version, which is 2 fasting days, 2 days of dukan attack and 3 normal days. Would have been a bit of a co-incidence if someone else came up with the same method!
I was curious too, Moogie! :-)
Zamale - My 500 calorie liquid fast is two lattes (very milky coffees) first thing in the morning, then in the afternoon I have a couple of mugs of Miso soup made with 20 Calorie Miso soup paste sachet. Otherwise, just tap water - lots of it!

So I am probably around 400 calories.

Hey Moogie - I wasn't aware of TML's approach, but having googled Dukan Attack, I can confidently say my version is not that aggressive on non fasting days.So two 36 hour liquid fasts, followed by one naughty day each time, and then the other three days are sensible eating (no snacking, no treats, no biscuits, no chocolate etc) but eat plenty of boiled carbohydrate (pasta) and less bread than on a naughty day!
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