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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 16:32
Hi everyone

Just wondering - has anyone tried having less than 500 cals on a fast day & if so, what results have you experienced?

Today, I've had about 130 cals and I'm feeling fine and dandy.
I find one fast day a week easy and I actually enjoy it, but when I think about the second one I'm a bit like :neutral:

So I'm thinking about doing, maybe 2 x 8:16 and 1 day where I have about 200 cals. Obviously, I'm still finding my feet with it but has anyone experimented with this kind of thing before?

Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 16:47
:heart: I personally haven't done but I know others have and are quite happy with it. Some take their 500 cals down to nothing i.e. a 36 hour water fast and that always seems to do the trick, just experiment and find what works and what is comfortable for you, good luck,

Ballerina x
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 16:57
Oh yes I plan to experiment, I just like to know what works for who, it's interesting :-)
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 17:28
When I started out I was very anxious to get my full allowance of 600 kcal, but the last two weeks I've preferred to eat less and less.

Eating nothing have worked just fine for the last three fasts. We'll see how it feels to eat nothing works out when vacation is over and it's time to get back to work though.

So far I've found it best to keep very busy and physically active during fast days, especially when going zero cal, gardening was excellent.
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 17:34
Hi, I eat what I need on a fast day, sometimes it's 200, sometimes it's 500. Usually it's about 350. That's usually enough, but and I think mentally for me this gets me through the last of the fast. There are calories left if I feel peckish before bed, can't say I've needed them so go to bed feeling saintly.
Find what suits you, after all this is a wol/woe not a restrictive diet :)
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 17:39
I liquid fast and have black coffee, water and diet coke, I find it works better for me as I don't get any more or less hungry, it saves me money as I was buying m&s ready meals and I like the idea that I'm extending the fast and hopefully getting more of the health benefits. Don't think it's for everyone though and I always leave it open in my mind so if I want something to eat I have 500 calorie allowance. So far I have pretty much stick with the liquid thing. Only downside is I have to nag myself to drink enough on a fast day! Enjoy experimenting to find what works for you :0)
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 17:43
When I started in April I had the full 500 for the first few fasts, then brought it down to about 200 and for the last two months I have been doing liquid fasts only.

I try and keep busy on fast days and for me it's actually easier to eat nothing at all.
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 19:29

I rarely eat any calories on my fast days. Here are some of the ways to eat less on IF and what results you might expect: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6600.html
Re: Less than 500 cals??
29 Jul 2013, 20:02
I've had anything from 293 to 589 (yes I did have to chek my diary, LOL).

I have done up to 3 days of syrup/water fasts in the past and it was OK but only 2-3 times a year. Since I wanted to do 5:2 for the long term, I didn't want to stress my body or my -lately very sensitive- stomach with no or very little food.
Re: Less than 500 cals??
30 Jul 2013, 14:12
Thanks guys!!
Re: Less than 500 cals??
30 Jul 2013, 14:42
I seem to be sliding towards less and less calories on my fast days. Yesterdays was about 360 and I was thinking about not eating at all, but hubby was fretting about me not eating.
Re: Less than 500 cals??
30 Jul 2013, 14:58
I, like everyone else on this post, have gone well below my recommended caloric intake on fasting days. On some fasting days, 500-600 kcals seems like an awful lot of food. I'm feeling satisfied eating less and after thirty-six fasting days, my average is 512 calories. Yesterday was a fast day and I consumed just 386 kcal, yet here I sit the next morning, not hungry at all. Quite unlike the old me. :victory:

I will say that on other fasting days, only being able to eat 600 calories seems like a punishment. Funny how that works.
Re: Less than 500 cals??
30 Jul 2013, 15:36
I usually eat about 500 calories on fast days or just above that. I consume all of my calories in one "big" meal for dinner on fast days, though, so I'm usually close to a full 24 hours with zero calories, then the 500 calorie dinner, then nothing else until the following morning's breakfast.

However, I am sort of a special case because I calorie restrict even on non-fast days and do a LOT of exercise on my non-fast days. So my focus is really just on reaching my target calorie deficit every week, which has been working for me. As of today I am down 29 pounds in exactly 3 months.
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