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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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LOF fail (but not really)
09 Nov 2013, 00:24
I've been doing liquid only fasts for a few weeks now, and really liking it. I just generally do better when it's all or nothing... and eating triggers me.

however, having said that, today it was just not happening. today is a liquid fast day, but I've been feeling overwhelmed and stressed and down, and when that happened in the past, out came the comfort food.

so today I made it on water only until 4pm and then just decided it wasn't going to happen. but rather than mess up my fasting day entirely, I decided to have a special K breakfast sandwich, which is only 180 calories. it tasted good (probably mostly because I haven't eaten since 7pm yesterday) and it filled that "comfort food void". I'm working on not feeling guilty about it, because I still had that 500 calories to fall back on if I needed to, and today I needed to. I'm trying to see this as a success because I didn't have the cake at the office, or the glass of wine that's calling my name, or the pasta in the cupboard. I still have several hours left in the day, but I'm determined to stay under 500 for the day so my scale is nice to me tomorrow.
Re: LOF fail (but not really)
09 Nov 2013, 00:57
This is DEFINITELY a success in my book. You've given your body plenty of time to 'repair' as it were, you listened to your body and you didn't go wild. Totally a success!
Re: LOF fail (but not really)
09 Nov 2013, 02:19
Congratulations,you did a fast, what more needs to be said. You recognised that things weren't going to happen as you wanted and you put a safe strategy into place instead of throwing in the towel and pigging out. I say a full on success.
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