The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I'm only on fast day 5 but none of them have been particularly difficult, especially if I'm busy. I don't think I've been particularly hungry and have been having my 500 kcals as a dinner at night as I know if I eat earlier it will make me want something else.

The last 2 fast days I have made myself something for dinner even though I didn't feel particularly hungry, I just wasn't feeling the "I can't wait till 6pm" feeling a lot of people on here have described so one day consisted of a bowl of homemade veg soup and the other one of a fish fillet, both only being about 200kcals.

I'm considering not forcing myself to have something if I still feel the same later, I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there who does a complete 36 hour fast with nothing to eat?

I have been having plenty of water & tea.
Yes I'm a non solids faster, today's my 4th fast, I get through with the odd cup of tea with semi skimmed milk and one or two mugs of bovril. I find it fairly easy to go without, I also think if I were to eat anything I would find it harder to stick to 600 cals. There is also the safety net of knowing I can have something if things got difficult, but I've not been there yet.
In the past I have done 3 day water only fasts & have felt fantastic with loads of energy. So my opinion would be to listen to your body as long as your hydrated you should be fine, but I would say as a word of warning (& I do keep harping on about this but) read up on gallstones & how losing weight too quickly can cause them to form, caroline has posted some good information about it.
I only do drinks as well, use my 500 cals for coffee. Keeps me going on a night shift. I seem to have so much energy as well!
Thanks folks, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one!
I will just take it as it comes.
I've found fasting has become easier, with my hunger often only starting late in the day. Yesterday I nearly didn't have my 500 calories - I leave them for a dinner, and by nearly 8pm I still hadn't eaten because of running around doing things, and I considered skipping the food. In the end I did eat though (only about 300), because hunger started kicking in. I think next time though, I might try and go until breakfast.
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