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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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When is best to weigh?
23 Feb 2013, 10:19
I dont want to do it the morning after a fast as I feel that will be a false reading as I will be totally empty - any advice? Happy to report feeling fit as a fiddle after 2nd fast day (unlike morning after 1st fast day when I felt lousy). Drank litre and a half of water plus 1 pint yesterday so maybe that helped (not good at converting metric and imperial lol)

Re: When is best to weigh?
23 Feb 2013, 16:08
Why not try doing it before you start your first fast for the week or just even choose a day of the week (if you move your days around) and just make that weigh day, fasting or not? Probably get a much truer reading then too :)
Re: When is best to weigh?
27 Feb 2013, 08:27
I kind of like weighing first thing after a fast, although the weight will not be really "true", it makes me smile anyway!
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