The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi all!!

Im new on this board, although I have been reading the discussions for a while as im now on to my 3rd week of the fast diet.

My one main problem is water intake. To be honest I dont really like the taste of it, so normally either stick to diet fizzy drinks or adding sugar free squash. I know both of these contain sweeteners which arent much different from regular sugar. Any tips to make it taste better without the sweeteners?

I work in a lab so cant have water regularly so find it difficult to drink lots on fast days!

Thanks in advance,
Kim :)
Hi Kim - I also hated the taste of water when I started 5:2 in August - very seldom drank it, only liked to drink squash! After my first fast day I came to like the taste of water and I've gone right off the squash! You may find the same thing happens to you if you make yourself drink it for a day!

Otheriwse, I've heard some people use a few drops of lemon juice in their water, or a slice of cucumber! Or for low cal hot drinks to fill up on you could try marmite, bovril, half a stock cube etc - or fruit teas which are mostly only about a calorie.
Thanks for the reply....may definitely try the lemon juice, and will 'force' myself to drink just water on non fast days to get used to it.

This forum has been a great help and motivation so far!! :)
I always water orange juice down anyway, it's better than drinking it concentrated.

I think water drinking is an acquired taste.
It definitely is an acquired taste!!

Well went to sainsburys tonight (quite difficult on a fast day, especially with easter eggs about!!) and got myself a filter water bottle, lemon and limes which ive cut in to slices to put in the freezer ready for some tasty 'ice cubes'. Fingers crossed this may help!
Lemon and lime definitely help! I also drink flavored fizzy water, with no added sugar. The fizz makes it feel like something special! The one I have from Sainsbury is 0 calories and the Tesco one is 6 cals per 250ml!
I drink mostly sparkling water. The Sainbury's Caledonian one is good or there's San Pellegrino or Perrier or Hildon. The lemon flavours are good--or you can add a wedge of lemon or lime (or both). The only calories I drink are in wine or coffee with milk (need to break the milky coffee habit, but refuse to give up my wine:))
I might have to give the sparkling waters a go at some point!
I love water, so I'm biased :-) I always make sure the tap water is really cold and fresh - but then where I live the water quality is very good. We recently bought a "carbonizer" to make fizzy water at home. It does taste different in a nice way. Your idea with the lemon slice "Ice cubes" sounds good! The temperature of the water definitely matters to me, so ice cubes/lemon cubes work for me. You could try slices of fresh ginger, oranges or apples. Sprigs of mint, basil, thai basil or parsley. Haven't tried blending in some fresh pomegranate juice yet, but planning to. What about a bunch of fresh mint leaves and hot water?
Apart from that, I would recommend rosehip or hibiscus tea, or spicy orange tea (lot's of spicy tea to choose from). I find them really refreshing either hot or cold, so you could bring a bottle to work.
Hmmm, as you may have guessed - I can't remember the last time I bought a fizzy drink.
Hi Kim83,
Perrier water or San Pellingrino, (chilled) with a slice of lime, squeezed.
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