The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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but is it best to weigh yourself the day after your second fast? I normally have weighed myself on a Saturday morning, but I have decided that my fast days are going to be Monday and Thursday, do you think I should have a sneaky peak tomorrow.

Daisy :?:
The general consensus is that you should weigh yourself on the same day and at the same time each week. This will give you the most consistent and easily comparable results.

Should you weigh after a fast day or a feed day? It's really up to you. Some think that it gives a false lower reading if you weigh after a fast day, whereas some like the boost in the first week.
Thanks Jemima

I might weight myself tomorrow just out of curiosity and then again at my usual time on Saturday, and see what the difference is, if any!

I think I probably agree with the thought process that weighing myself after the 2nd fast would give a slightly false reading!
As long as you weigh yourself the same time every week it shouldn't make any difference, I personally find I weigh heavier after a fast day, think it must be all the water I glug then!
I like weighing on Friday so that I know how much latitude I have for treats and wine on the weekend.
JanCan nailed it! +1

I "fast" Tuesday/Thursday and make Friday the "main" weekly weigh-in day. Also if things have not gone quite to plan, you can also slip in a third fast either Saturday/Sunday.
I know it can be considered a false low reading the day after a fast, but as someone else pointed out, doing it then actually mimises the other variables which might effect your weight, such as what times you ate the previous day, what sort of food you ate, how much you drank etc. It's fairly consistent on a fast day so in theory you should get a better picture of the comparative loss from week to week by weighing in after the second fast.
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