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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Cake obsession :O :( pants
11 Mar 2013, 19:59
Cannot stop eating cake, will never lose any weight at weigh in tomorrow now! Don't even know how I am meant to fast tomorrow when I have an all day meeting! Meh I feel very demotivated right now. :S
Re: Cake obsession :O :( pants
12 Mar 2013, 08:55
You CAN do it!! Don't beat yourself up, just write it off and do another day. I am so bad at kicking myself when I'm down over things like that - I'm trying to reprogram to not do it, and getting there slowly!

I love cake too, although my true love is chocolate really :heart: :oops: You absolutely can stop eating cake, you have to believe you can! Don't have any in the house through the week. Buy yourself a luxury slice on a weekend to savour and enjoy - and instead of thinking "I can't have cake :frown: " Think "Look how strong I am being by abstaining, I can't wait for my slice at the weekend! :lol: "

Believe in yourself, talk to yourself as you would to your best mate, it's only a slip up, don't get disheartened - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!!x
Re: Cake obsession :O :( pants
12 Mar 2013, 18:15
I baked a cake at the weekend and it was chocolate, chocolate is my ultimate weakness! And cheese :) you are right, just got to let it go and try try again.

Thank you fellow Sophie, great name isn't it? :) x
Re: Cake obsession :O :( pants
12 Mar 2013, 21:02
Absolutely, :) Don't give up! xx
Re: Cake obsession :O :( pants
12 Mar 2013, 21:06
I've just baked a coconut & jam sponge, ate quite a lot of it and shoved the rest in the freezer. Yum.
Re: Cake obsession :O :( pants
12 Mar 2013, 22:06
BBT053 wrote: I've just baked a coconut & jam sponge, ate quite a lot of it and shoved the rest in the freezer. Yum.

That's a good idea! I never thought of doing that but I will next time :) after all my whinging I did actually lose a pound at weigh in - it must be some kind of miracle!
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