The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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So im looking at starting this but doing my fasting days on my days off work, i never have the same days off work, well sunday is normal but i occasionally work them if needed.

The main reason i wont do it in work is cos im very busy and i work on the counter that cooks chickens and pies, so having a fasting day in work would be like utter torture and im sure i'd break.

So would it matter if one weeks its mon and sun, the next its fri and sun and then the next tues and fri?
I dont think it should matter as long as they are never consequtive.
Last week I did monday and wednesday, this week it will be monday and friday as it has to fit into my life style also :o)
I think part of the joy of this diet is that its flexible enough to adapt it as you need to, including changing days around.

I would think about trying fasting on a working day though, its always worth pushing yourself, and it sounds like it'll be a major achievement when you succeed. I didn't think I'd be able to fast on a work day, but the worry about it turned out to be bigger than the reality of doing it.
Maybe i'll try it when i've gotten used to the fasting days and can prepare food in advance! haha
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