The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

4 posts Page 1 of 1
24 Jan 2013, 15:14
Hi, I'm just wondering whether it's okay to have less than the alloted calories on fast days. It's my first day so I suppose I be laughing at my own question very soon :lol: Today I've had a prepacked salad at 140 cals for lunch & I intend to have a Oats so Simple pot later but then I'm working this evening and don't get home until nearly midnight and won't want to eat then.
Re: Question
24 Jan 2013, 15:22
As I understand it you can have 'up to' 500 cals, so if you can get by on less, that's great :) I've had days where I've only done about 400-450. Some folks don't eat anything at all for the day! (don't think I could do that, at least not regularly).

Today my dinner comes to 400cals, and I'm going to try not to use the other 100. So, just see how you get on :)
Re: Question
24 Jan 2013, 15:28
Great thanks :) I've been drinking a lot of water today which I'm usually very bad at and don't feel particularly hungry at the moment. I'll probably be ravenous when I get in from work but at least then I can just go to bed . And tomorrow's another day ;)
Re: Question
24 Jan 2013, 15:51
I have a vague intention of treating 500 calories as a maximum rather than a target in its own right. At least, that's the initial idea, until I come crashing down to earth and get bored with homemade soup!
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