The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi all,

Apologies if this is elsewhere on the forum but I couldn't find it. I'm on week two of the 5:2 - lost 2lbs so far! - and was planning my pre-Easter fast day tomorrow.

But I've been coming down with a heavy cold all day and now I'm miserable; hot and cold and achy with a sore throat.

Tomorrow will be a busy day at work - should I fast when I'm poorly, or just leave it? Any [edit] advice is welcome!

Sorry, was so worried earlier that I hit 'submit' before finishing my post! Oh dear.
I've been under the weather for the past 3 weeks (allergy season, yay) and I'm on the 5:2 for the past 9 days (done 3 fasts so far). On my second fast day I had a very sore throat and I made broth with half a stock cube and spices, which helped a lot (now it is on my remedies' list).
Since we tend to lack of appetite, I can't see why you can't fast as long as you do eat something and you take your vitamins.
Eat if/when you're hungry but don't try to skip meals. If the body is stressed from illness, don't stress it more, I think.
I'm no expert but I'm sure I've seen somewhere on here where the conscensus was to do what feels right on the day. I had a cold/sore throat a couple of weeks ago and really ddn't feel like doing more than drink on my worst day so I just used it as a fast day. I'm still here to tell the tale! :lol:

Hope you soon feel better.
I've had the bug this week, found my fast a bit harder as the fasting coldness didn't help my cold flushes but I'm glad I did it add my hubby has the same bug but I've recovered more quickly and my symptoms have been less severe.
I actually starting 5:2 on a day when I was ill with a really heavy cold because I didn't really feel like eating anyway so it seemed as good a time as any.
I would just listen to your body and if you feel hungry eat. The most important thing is to make sure you keep up your fluids though.
It is a perfect time to fast. The fasting will only help you. I am just recovering from a case of bronchitis so bad I nearly went to the doctor. I was bed ridden for over a week, but I never missed a fast. The fasts were easy because everything I ate tasted like straw anyway.
Thanks everyone! I guess I won't write off the fast but will see how I feel on the day. It'll be my third day at a new job too(!) so might feel super-awkward anyway.

This will be my third fast - I've felt pretty headachy and light-headed over the last two, so I will stock up on bouillon and Dioralyte in case I feel dodgy. I figure that if I'm hydrated, and sodiumed and electrolyted-up and I still feel weak and weird, then it's time to un-fast. Wish me luck!
Good luck!!!
I'm ill with flu and have no appetite since Tuesday today is suppose to be a fast day but I'm not fasting as I did Tuesday but never ate yesterday so trying to build up strength to go back to work.
Beeswax wrote: Thanks everyone! I guess I won't write off the fast but will see how I feel on the day. It'll be my third day at a new job too(!) so might feel super-awkward anyway.

This will be my third fast - I've felt pretty headachy and light-headed over the last two, so I will stock up on bouillon and Dioralyte in case I feel dodgy. I figure that if I'm hydrated, and sodiumed and electrolyted-up and I still feel weak and weird, then it's time to un-fast. Wish me luck!

You will be fine. When my bronchial infection was at its worst (fever, aches pains, unable to speak), my appetite completely shut down. Digesting food takes a lot of energy. When you are really sick, the body needs to focus on fighting infection. When animals are sick, they do not eat.
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