The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I am really pleased that I am steadily losing weight however I can't understand why my body shape doesn't appear to be changing. I have lost 9 lbs so far with about another 9 lbs to go. Can anyone relate to/explain this.
Your body shape is what it is, it doesn't change as you lose/gain weight.
Minor changes can be done with exercise.
There maybe several reasons, but just to name a few

a) you may be loosing inches all over, maybe in one area more so than the other that you may have not considered. Example in your face, hands, and arms/ cup size if you're female.

b) Your loss may be more noticeable the further you go along, however a change in shape i.e. a more defined pear or hour-glass figure may be more pronounced with a significantly less body fat %

c)(which is more likely) you may think that you haven't changed in shape or rather size but I bet others may have noticed a slight difference. I think this really deals with one's perception, as I know personally when I lost my first 20lbs I didn't notice at all until someone pointed it out to me lol. Mind you the mind takes a bit of catching up when one goes about losing a bit of weight.

Either way congratulations on the 9lbs loss, fantastic work hun! Consider weight lifting or even pilates if you really want to change your shape once you meet target weight.
Hi I've lost about the same as you but still got a lot more to lose! So far not lost much off my stomach/waist but seem to be losing it off the tops of my arms & back.
The weight must be coming off somewhere, did you take body measurements before you started?
Maybe it's internal fat you're losing (which is the bad stuff) not sure if that loss is so visible, hopefully one of the nerdy people will answer.
Im very overweight and when i loose weight, i first notice it in my face more then anywhere else....then i tend to get slimmer like just under my chest area and down a bit, get a little bit of a waist! So i then find things like skater dresses suit me.

You may not notice the weight at the start it can take more then a stone, i find, until you see any difference, but to make a difference, exercise and toning
Thanks everyone for your input. I did take measurements and these haven't reduced yet. I also exercise regularly so I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
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