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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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2nd fast day and gone over
03 Apr 2013, 18:18
:curse: As my title says it is my second fast day and gone over my 500 calorie limit. Trying not to get depressed and turn it into a feast day. However, I'm probably around the 800 calorie mark which is still much lower than what I normally eat! I have a few glasses of wine last night, then I had to get up for work at 5am and work a 10 hour shift. Normally I raid the chocolate machine but stayed away. Next fast day I will stay under th limit!
Re: 2nd fast day and gone over
03 Apr 2013, 20:40
Well done on not raiding the chocolate machine!
Don't go beating yourself up 800 cals is still good, just cut back slightly on your other days & your weekly total will still be down.

Good luck with your next fast, it does get easier.
Re: 2nd fast day and gone over
03 Apr 2013, 20:42
800 calories, good.
Not raiding the chocolate machine, better.
Being determined for next fast, best.
Re: 2nd fast day and gone over
03 Apr 2013, 22:22
That's really really good. I had a 'bad' fast day the other week - decided I couldn't have my second day owing to various reasons. I tried not to really overdo it but wine was involved and some homemade gravy... (not together!!) :) Anyway, it didn't make a difference as I tend to average out over the week. You just need to make sure you're not eating excessive amounts on feed days. It's more a 'law of 7 day averages'.
Re: 2nd fast day and gone over
04 Apr 2013, 05:59
It's very difficult to dive straight into this way of eating and get it spot on from the off. You need to be prepared to experiment with a few tactics and see what works for you. Are you planning in advance what you will eat on fast days?

You've made a great start!
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