The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I have been looking around at posts & there are lots of people saying how many calories they have eaten but not included calories for cups of tea, just mentioning black coffee. I just cant drink tea without milk. with MFP it says I use 120 calories on my cuppas per day. I have been including them into my 500 & wanted to know if everyone else did this aswell.

thanks for any replies.

ps. am enjoying looking around the site. so many positive stories :victory:
You are supposed to. I'll admit I don't but I'm not a strict calorie counter. It's up to you how you arrange things though, so it depends on what other food you're having.
Hi Amberenchanted (lovely name),
Yes I count the calories I use for milk. For me it's not many, as I don't like more than a splash of milk in tea, and drink mainly black coffee and herb tea. I measured the exact amount I used for a few days to get any idea of the average calories, and now make a daily entry for that amount.
Yes I count the milk - but seeing as I like really strong tea I barely use any milk and my count per cuppa (strictly measured over a few to make sure I'd got the right calorie count) comes out at 50cals - 120 seems quite high to me - it'd be worth checking. At 120 cals per cup, out of a fast average of 500 I'd be limiting myself to 1 cup only on a fast day :frown:
I usually don't but I drink one coffee with a splash (as in one or two TS of milk) of low-fat milk. If you use too much of it then you should count it.
Thank you for the replies. Will see how I get on but will probably carry on including my many cups of tea. X
I do as I count my calories on fast days. I also include when I'm drinking my fruit teas too, 2-4 calories a cup depending on what it is. It all adds up and I'm pretty strict on my calorie intake on fast days.
I don't count them. I use a smidgen of whole milk in my tea. I've noticed though that I'm cutting down the amount of milk I use on non fast days too & have to remind myself it's a 'normal' day. I did count them at first but have decided that I probably go over the recommended 2000 cals on a 'normal' day anyway so it's all relative.
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