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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I'm just not sweet enough!! Anybody know the answer?!
You can have anything you choose in your tea/coffee, just remember that every little calorie needs to be accounted for in your fast day allotment.
Of course you can! There are some people who think that sweeteners are the work of the devil but if they make your life easier then you go for it!

Having said that, I used to have two teaspoons of sugar in my tea (I am going back thirty+ years!) then on one of my many diets I decided to give it up. My tea tasted awful for about a fortnight but I persevered, then there was a period of time when I could drink it with or without, then I got to the point when it was undrinkable with sugar in it. About twenty years ago, I did the same with milk in my tea and it followed an almost identical pattern. I'm not saying that you should do this but, if you want to, it is possible and doesn't take that long to change.

Good luck with this 5:2 WOE. I think it's amazing and it's working well for my husband and me!
Thanks! It's good to hear its working for u and your hubby!
I am not even sure if there are cals in sweeteners so that was the question really - do u have to count cals in black tea/coffee then?
Claire23 wrote: Thanks! It's good to hear its working for u and your hubby!
I am not even sure if there are cals in sweeteners so that was the question really - do u have to count cals in black tea/coffee then?

On your fast day, you should count ALL calories. However, if you are up or down a few calories, it won't break the bank. Just be mindful of everything you consume on fast days so you can avoid a 'creeping' calorie intake.
I looked this very thing up when I started the diet, and the one I chose you can use exactly as if it was your usual sugar - it's Splenda. From what I read, it is supposed to be zero calories in the quantities you use (feels ridiculously light on the spoon!) and most of all, is not supposed to trigger an insulin response. This seemed to be in keeping with the purpose of the fast days.

I couldn't drink much tea without something to sweeten it - I even find the fruit teas taste unbalanced without! :lol:
Most people would count black tea and coffee as zero calories although I understand there are maybe 2 or 3 calories per mug! Count them if you like - or not- I certainly wouldn't but I don't calories on any day! Same with sweeteners. There should be information on the packet regarding calorie content.
I use splenda in coffee and some teas on fast days. A little goes a long way, and zero calories. :)
Thanks everyone!! I have those tablet sweetners in fruit tea and coffee! Won't worry too much !
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