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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 07:25
Hi, wondering if anyone can help me. I'm a 26 year old female and have being doing the 5:2 diet for a month - so 8 fasts in total. On my feed days I have been consuming around 1700kcal and 500 on fast days. I started at 8 st 9lb and have only lost 1lb, much to my disappointment. I am aware that I do not have a large amount of weight to lose and only hoped to lose 4/5lbs, but thought this diet would be the perfect quick fix as I wouldn't have to deprive myself of all the foods I enjoy.... Can anyone suggest why it's not working for me??? I don't know whether to persevere or try something different. Thanks, B
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 07:52
What is your BMI? Maybe it's cos u have so little to lose - 1lb fine. Try 4:3 that might kickstart it?
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 08:08
Maybe you're eating too much on your feed days? I'm about the same stats as you, I haven't seen much weight loss but have only done a few weeks, lost an inch from my hips though. I eat 1500-1600 on feed days and I exercise 5 times a week. Maybe add some exercise in if you're not already? Good luck!
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 08:53
I agree with GMH and FutureMrsC.
  • Cut down a bit on the feed days because your TDEE is probably below 1700 calories anyway. Let's say it is actually 1500, then by doing 1700 x 5 and 500 x 2 over 4 weeks you have only 'saved' 1000 x 4 calories which is a tad over 1 lb of weight.
  • More exercise is great not only for general heath but also to burn calories - consider HIIT if you find longer-duty exercise too dull or impractical.
  • And give it more time. The scales can 'lie' because our weight varies so much from day to day anyway.
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 08:58
As the good people above me say, if you only have 4/5 libs to lose then your TDEE is probably less (or quite less) then 1700.
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 09:48
It's not a quick fix. Since you have so little to lose, you should aim for about half a pound a week, at the very most. But also be realistic about your goals, don't be a slave to a number on the scale.
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 18:40
Thanks all, think I will try cutting down cals on feed days first and see if that works. One last question does anyone think it matters how you use your cals on a feed day? I prefer to not eat much throughout the day and have a bigger calorie dinner, will this have a negative effect on weight loss?
Re: Not working??!!
13 Apr 2013, 19:28
The scale may not be giving you an accurate measurement of success. Have you measured yourself? Are your clothes a bit looser? Has your shape changed slightly? Since this WoE tends to shift fat and help promote muscle, you might not see much change on the scale but have other positive changes taking place.
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