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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Fasting today - advice needed.
16 Apr 2013, 07:37
Hiya - I am fasting today (5th one!) I found the last 2 really hard and posted last week. I have taken on board advice from here - so just wanted to check if I ate 510 calories today (which I have calculated would allow for me to have a small lunch as well as my evening meal and tea throughout the day - previously I was trying to hold out until evening) would this still count as a fast? It seems crazy that I am worrying about 10 calories but wanted to know other people's opinions. Cheers. :oops:
Yes don't worry about the 10 cals - I won't tell :smile:
Going slightly over is no biggie. If you want to be very scientific about it you should work out your tdee and then divide by 4 to get the ideal fast day calories - and then eat no more than that on non fast days. But let's face it, a quarter of tdee is in and around 500 for everyone so there or there abouts is grand. The best advice is to do/ eat/ drink whatever makes it sustainable for you so if the extra 10cals makes it doable for you go for it. You can then adjust if you want once you get more used to fasting.

Happy fasting ! x
Hiya Redhead - do you mean my Tdee for maintenance or weight loss - because if it is the latter that just isn't possible surely?
@ Both of you thanks for the replies x
The tdee for maintenance. A quarter of that is your ideal fast day intake, but if its lower than 500 cals (or 510!) don't stress about it. 500 or there abouts is what most people eat on a fast day. It's important to keep an eye on it on non fast days though if you're not losing weight.

The weight loss tdee is what you should stick to every day if you're not doing 5:2 and is essentially what people cannot do - restricting every day is just to difficult for most people. So cutting severely (500cals) twice a week is more sustainable because on other days you can eat normally. Simples!!
Relax it's ok! :smile:
10 calories won't make any difference, you'll be fine, don't sweat it :)
I would imagine that even on a can of soup the calories would only be a guide so 10 cals either way would make no difference. There's no way they could make every one identical
Ah Thanks Redhead that makes sense - me and numbers just don't go! Fabulous - thanks guys - thinking this fast will be so much better than last week.
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