Hi all, I have just started this, I work mon-wed the rest of the time I'm at home with my 2 kids. So it's easier for me to fast on the days I work as I don't have to prepare food and feed kids etc. I decided to fast 3 days this week to see how I get on. I thought it would be hell, but guess what.... I didn't eat all day, just had 4 teas with a dash of milk and then in the evening I had a meal of about 400 cals, did this on all 3 days and felt fine, had the odd hunger pang, but nothing some water didn't fix, I managed a couple of walks in my lunch break, kettlersize one night and did not pass out as I thought I would. Surely it can't be this easy? What am I doing wrong?
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Did my first fast on Monday and was so inspired I've just completed another one today - was only intending to oo another on Friday but added in the extra one today. Gotta say I found it very easy too. I did have 3 crumpets and cheese on my day off plus a carb laidened dinner. Thought I might find it hard fasting today after that but no probs really. I'm not deluding myself, I'm sure as the weeks wear on and potential monotony kicks in or weight loss slow I may find it more of a challenge but for the time being at least, gotta say I'm finding it fairly easy too. I'm wondering if I will fint it harder next Monday after 2 days off. I suppose we should both stop anticipating failure and just go for it.

I truly think it gets easier! My first fast was the worst and it has just got better from there. I over thought the first one, planning out my food etc etc, and now I have the 'hang' of it and only eat a main meal in the evening, it seems to be fine, even when I have my son on one of the fast days and am feeding him constantly, as he has a never ending pit of a tummy, I just make sure that I don't pop a bit into my muth of what I am making him. Getting me into good habits really for the rest of the week. Tomorrow is my second fast of the week and I am child free during school hours, so no probs tomorrow.
As for additional fasting, after my second fast I woke the next day feeling I could fast again, but I didn't as it was Friday and I fancied a glass of wine that eve!
Maybe I could just extend the fast next time.
Enjoy your experience and use the first few fasts to see what works for you, I am finding it liberating and one of my friends may even start it too, as she likes the idea and one of her colleagues also does itand we have been raving about it!
As for additional fasting, after my second fast I woke the next day feeling I could fast again, but I didn't as it was Friday and I fancied a glass of wine that eve!

Enjoy your experience and use the first few fasts to see what works for you, I am finding it liberating and one of my friends may even start it too, as she likes the idea and one of her colleagues also does itand we have been raving about it!

Doesn't sound like your doing anything wrong! I do think that some people fine it easier than others to fast tho. I have done 6 fasts and each one has got easier, my second and third were the worst. Keep up the good work

Thanks people! Just amazed as I have never found dieting easy! Maybe this time it will work!

Congratulations for joining the best "diet" ever!! I am now 16 weeks in on 2 days a week. I did have a blip a couple of weeks back, just hit a wall, but thanks to the forum I worked out my TDEE and started to eat a little more on feed days and everything has kicked in again! Just do what works for you but do try to eat healthy on your feed days and keep a rough track of your cals so you don't overeat. Keep at it, it does work honest!!

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