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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 11:50
When I first started 5.2 I was pretty organised and would know which days I would be fasting that week. However, I now find that I'm more often not feeling hungry on an eating day and so delay breakfast and end up omitting breakfast altogether and having just lunch and dinner. Quite often now I find lunch time coming round about 3 o'clock and decide, what the heck, might as well just make it a fast day. Are other people doing the same or are your fast days more planned than mine seem to be?
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:05
Yes & no - have found that I am not always hungry at mealtimes on non fast days - so am trying to eat when hungry. However yesterday could not stop eating - nothing satisfied cravings - don't know why - not TOTM. Scales this morning showed 3lb gain :shock:
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:07
I had an accidental fast once when hungover. I don't usually have such good control of my appetite.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:25
If I can't plan then I can't fast. I have to fast when I'm at home (no way to do it outside) so I plan to fast the couple of days when I'm here working on the computer, doing housework etc. That's usually Tuesday and Friday but the past few weeks were a bit chaotic so last week I fasted on Tuesday and Wednesday and this week I'm fasting today and -hopefully- on Friday.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:29
Now that MaryAnn mentiones it, I have done a couple of half fasts because if hangovers.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:45
I plan to fast. Whilst I can concentrate on fasting day and can read my body, on non fast days I still mindlessly eat out of habit.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 12:56
Yes I almost always skip breakfast after a fast day.
Up until now I have been literally eating what I like on non fast days, but after a week of no fasting when I had my food loving daughter over I'm being more cautious this week.
I have my 60th birthday mid June, and am sharing a house with a lady who eats constantly, so I want to be as light as possible before that week.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 22:19
Hi dhana - have to admit to being a planner when it comes to fasting. However, I no longer eat breakfast on weekdays (yes, now we all know that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" saying is a load of tosh !!!) - I'm just not hungry, so confine myself to lunch and dinner only. On fast days I'm liquid fasting for 36hours (or thereabouts). Love this WOL and the freedom from food that comes with it - as well as the continued love of food 'cos we can still have what we want (not necessarily in the same amounts as previously) - life is good :smile:
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 22:24
I've done a couple of fasts because I've woken up going " oh I need to fast today", but other than that, I know at least the night before. I still almost always eat breakfast on non fast days, because I'm hungry then. If I skip a meal, it'll be dinner - I've always been most likely to skip dinner rather than any other meal.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 22:26
I'm known to skip lunch because I sleep till lunch and then have breaky at lunchtime, LOL!
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 22:31
I'm finding the same as Suchard007, really don't fancy breakfast any more- this morning I ate some as I had a sesh with a trainer, and ended up with a massively bloated tum- moral of the story (for me anyway!) - don't eat breakfast!

Btw fasting on a hangover makes me feel sooooo much better :)
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 22:52
Hi dhana (and everyone! Long-time reader, first-time poster)

I "accidentally" fasted yesterday. My usual days are Mon and Thurs, but I woke up over an hour later than I usually do so in a spur-of-the-moment decision, decided I would take advantage of already having fasted for an hour without even trying, and do my fast day yesterday, ha!

It was fairly effortless; I didn't end up eating anything at all until 4pm and then I was so full I could only eat around 200cal at dinner. Plus I now feel virtuous this morning, having already completed my fasts for this week :smile:

Normally my fast days are well-planned but yesterday's good experience showed me I can be spontaneous.
Re: The accidental faster
15 May 2013, 23:45
KataMac - I read your post and realized that maybe I am going about this the wrong way. I am naturally most hungry mid-day, regardless of my diet plan. I have been doing the fasts based on what other people do (not saving all my calories for dinner but having a small lunch and then 300 cal for dinner) and I really struggle. No problem skipping breakfast, but I would probably do better having the bulk of my calories at mid-day (1 or 2:"00) and then a lighter dinner. We usually have pretty light dinners anyway, so I don;'t know why I hadn;'t thought of it before.

Accidental fasting - I haven;'t done it for a whole day, but on weekends it's common for me to skip breakfast and maybe not have a lot for the rest of the day if we;'re busy, say, out on the boat fishing or something.
Re: The accidental faster
16 May 2013, 02:38
Scotty wrote: However yesterday could not stop eating - nothing satisfied cravings - don't know why - not TOTM. Scales this morning showed 3lb gain :shock:

Scotty, I weigh daily for interest sake, and the fluctuations are enormous.
I'm sure you'll find tomorrow the weight will even out.
Sometimes I think our body is telling us we need food!

Dhana I still plan my fast days, but like other I'm finding I am eating when I'm hungry more often, especially now we have permission to skip breakfast which has always been my least favourite meal unless it's French Toast at a cafe! :wink:
Re: The accidental faster
16 May 2013, 05:39
Still planning fasts and still ravenous for breakfast the day after a fast. Fantasised this morning about the spread we could have (but couldn't because we were completely out of foile GRAS and cook hadn't prepared the kedgeree ;) ) and had theusual smoothie and oatcakes. Man, it was gOoooooood . :)
I wil keep an eye out for this accidental fast creature attacking me....
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