The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hello all,

So far on my fast days I usually have a boiled egg 10am, zero noodles at 1pm then, fish/meat veg in the evening, and through the day I snack on tea, coffee, celery, blueberries and if I'm desperate a ryvita.

Although I'm rarely going above 550, I read an article the other day that says the longer left between eating the better.

The only thing that gets me through the office day is looking forward to my 10am egg and lunchtime noodles!! I find I start to lose the power of speech if I don't eat at all!

Has anyone else with this three meal and snack approach successfully lost weight or do I need to do back to the drawing board?
For losing weight, the calories matter more and not the time eaten.

I believe the health benefits associated with fasting come when you go for longer periods without food, so it depends more what you're looking for.

I'm only 2 weeks in but I like to skip breakfast, eat lunch, have a snack, eat dinner, have a snack. I hope to cut out the snacks soon but I'm not going to do it cold turkey!
There is no "right" or "wrong" way to do this woe if you stick to the basic premise of 2 low cal days a week, and 5 normal days. Some people cut down on carbs, others don't. Some do water only for 36 hours and others eat 400-600cals within a similar time frame. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. If your method suits you and it's working why try to fix it? I think the most successful way of doing it is the one that you find most sustainable.
I am on my second week of the fast diet. During my fast days I usually have tea at 10, lunch at 1, snack and tea at 4 and dinner at 8. Last week I lost 3 kg but I guess a lot of it is water for really have to see how it goes this week. However I would far it's been a success :)
I absolutely could not do this diet with having only 1 or 2 meals a day. I have low calorie 'bits' throughout the day, probably more protein as I feel they keep me fuller. I also weigh 100mls of skimmed fat free milk as I cant drink tea with out it. Today I have had alot of cherry tomatoes, stock cube in hot water and 2 rice cakes. Having a large baby spinach, cabbage, tomato and carrot salad with some chicken. I have to say I love this diet. It totally fits my personality. In order diets I had good and bad days, then I guilt ate because of the bad days and it snowballed into giving up. Today is a fast day but tomorrow I will enjoy porridge, light lunch and a sensible dinner. I have noticed I cannot eat as much and the significant good feeling of losing 10 pounds in 4 weeks outweigh and sacrifices I feel on a fast day. I do Alternative Day Fasting or 4:3, it keeps me in control and that keeps me focussed. I love this forum, wonderful information. Good luck everyone xx
Yes, totally agree Lulugoodies!
I'm now on my fourth week and have lost 6lbs. Not as much as some I know but I haven't got a great deal to lose.
I need to have my three meals on fast days or I get snappy!
What I love about this WOL is that I can forget calories on the other days - and yet, sort of unconsciously, I am beginning to prefer lighter healthier foods - which also seem to be lower calories! :smile:
And this forum is soooooooo helpful. Great!
I am starting week 6 of this way of eating and have 2 meals a day now, breakfast 1 slice of wholewheat toast with scrape of marmite and white coffee, a trim flat white from our mobile coffee lady at 11am and then just hot water or herbal teas until tea time when it's small portion of meat and stir fry veges or salad. This works for me. I used to have low cal soup for lunch too but forgot to have it a coupe of times and now find I don't need it. If I miss that bought coffee though I really struggle. I am really happy with my weight loss so far.
I guess I have cut oh a lot of carbs overall in my diet too. Don't feel that hungry on non fast days either.
All the best. Just do what suits you and feels doable for you!
So glad I found others who have 3 meals on their fast days. I am on my second fast day of week 2 and I have a boiled egg at around 11am, then tuna and salad at 3pm and then soup for dinner at 6, with black tea and water in between. But with so many people only having one meal and talking about lasting as long as possible without eating I felt like I might be doing it wrong...
Maybe my habits will change and I won't need the three meals eventually, but right now it is working for me and I have lost 2kg so far.
Hi al4285! Great start. Like others said, doing what works for you and what you can stick with is the "right" way to do it.

I found the longer I have stayed with this the less frequently I ate on the fast days. It just seemed easier. The last 3 weeks I have done a liquid no calories 36 or so hours once a week and as long as I can the other day before eating. I had been sort of on a plateau and this seemed to get me going again.

Good luck!
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