Hello. I'm new to this forum. I've been following the 5:2 fast religiously for 4 weeks now. I've lost a 3.1 pounds. My waist measurement is the same. So little for all that effort. I wouldn't say I find it easy either. I feel very hungry at night and I get terrible headaches (I'm keeping hydrated). It's no fun. I've tried the 11-7pm fast mentioned in the book the last 3 times. It's slightly more manageable for me. Have read the comments about the scales being deceptive. I guess I'm worried I wont stick with this long-term. Initially I thought it sounded like a practical, well researched approach that I could incorporate into my life. I don't seem to find it as easy or remotely enjoyable as others. I am generally a positive person, but feel pretty miserable on the fast days (like today).
"One of my key researchers in this field often start her day with a late breakfast at around 11am and finishes with supper at 7pm. That way she's fasting for 16 hours a day, twice a week. Based on the mouse study cited on page 28, it may be an even better approach".
Hope this helps someone else and I would love some feedback please.
"One of my key researchers in this field often start her day with a late breakfast at around 11am and finishes with supper at 7pm. That way she's fasting for 16 hours a day, twice a week. Based on the mouse study cited on page 28, it may be an even better approach".
Hope this helps someone else and I would love some feedback please.