The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I started last Monday using 4:3. I fasted Monday and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. My original plan was to do the same this week.
I only intend to do a 4 day fast for two weeks as a "kick start".

I've had more time to read posts on this forum and am wondering whether I would be better doing 2 or 3 days fasting this week, rather than 4?

I have 2stone to lose in weight, and my first week show the scales have dropped by 3lb but I want the weight to stay off.

And if I do 3 days, can I do 3 consecutive days? I'm only asking this as it fits in better with what I am doing this week.
I personally would not do three consecutive days without some kind of suitably qualified medical or nutritionist practitioner. If you can only do three consecutive days then I would opt for fasting twice this week with one day break between the two fast days.
The stats show that those on 4:3 don't tend to lose weight any faster than those on 5:2, so if you're doing it to lose weight, an extra fasting day is a bit pointless. It would be different if you're doing it for the health (repair) benefits.

Also I agree with TheFrog - 3 consecutive days is quite drastic, especially if you're new to fasting.
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