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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi all,

this week i'm not sure where to fit in my Fasting days best. Well the first one i'mhaving today but not sure bout the second one.
I usually fast on thursdays as well, but i might have to go to a few graduation parties at friends, which i wont know till thursday as the results will be known by then.
Normally i would have switched to Friday, but Friday and saturday i'm away for a shopping trip to Brussels with my daughter and sunday is a holiday over here in Holland (Dad's day)
To make a long question short, does it make any diffrence if you fast on monday and wednesday (considering the trip and prolly more food thanusual i have planned) or is it better to fast thrusday and just stick to water when i go to congratulate the ones that graduated?
I do know for sure next week monday will be another fast day ;-)
I don't think there is any need to be wedded to Thursday - it is best (even if by "best" we only mean "least likely to cause fainting and/or irritability on a massive scale") to leave at least a day of normal eating between fasting sdays, and your plan accomplishes that. Even if you had to do 2 days of fasting back to back it wouldn't be the end of the world. That's the great thing about this plan - it is extremely flexible! So go enjoy your parties and the food.
I would go for the Wednesday fast and enjoy the celebrations on Thursday! It shouldn't make any difference to the results of the fasting, although the weekend might affect your weight loss if you overeat too much! Have a lovely time!
I have done Monday/Wednesday fast no problem, I sometimes throw in a half fast too Friday or Saturday if there are lots of celebrations going on! Sounds like you have lots to enjoy so enjoy it!
:-) thanks all, i will go for mon/wed day and will make sure not to totally overbaord on the feed days. Which is getting easier every week of doing the 5:2 btw :-)
Yes I agree I'd do Mon+wed if it was me.
I have done 2back to back and it was no problem for me but I've found this complete journey so far VERY easy amazing. :clover: Sue
I have done Mon/Wed from the start and feast days I eat whatever I want, isn't that the whole point of the diet that you can eat whatever on the feast days, at least that is what the Horizon programme and the book both said, I don't understand why you are all restricting food etc on feast days or have I mis-read?
Hi Mon+ wed deffo I've also done 2 back to back with no probs but doesn't suit everyone, enjoy your celebrations and weekend :clover: Sue
Barbara1957 wrote: I have done Mon/Wed from the start and feast days I eat whatever I want, isn't that the whole point of the diet that you can eat whatever on the feast days, at least that is what the Horizon programme and the book both said, I don't understand why you are all restricting food etc on feast days or have I mis-read?

Some people overeat to the extent that 2 days restriction isn't enough to give them the weight loss rate they seek. So they have to pay attention to the feed day intake.

Eating "whatever" means eating your choice of foods, not eating 5000 calories.
It makes no difference what days you fast. Just so there are two. That is what is nice about 5:2 - it is flexible! Just fast each week on the two days that work the best for you that week.
The beauty of 5 2 is flexibility. Most weeks I am a Monday Wednesday girl but once and awhile I have to shift things around. Another reason 5 2 is flexible is because you can enjoy those special occasions without guilt. Have fun!
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