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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 09:15

Just looking for advice.

I'm just starting my third week of 5:2 and I am now doing some 16:8 (well today is a 14:10)

Just looking for some advice.When others mix 5:2 and 16:8 how many days do they do of 16:8?? I do want some normal days so was thinking of doing 2 fast days,2 16:8 days and then 3 normal days.

What do others do??

Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 09:59
I'm new to 16:8ing as well so I do much the same as you Karen. I fast Monday & Friday & I am trying 16-8ing on the in-between days way hey days over the weekend. I am still getting used to a late brunch around 1-00pm so I still need my coffee with a splash of milk to keep me going through the morning, so not completely fasting but it easily cuts down calories.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 10:24
I do both and have done for a few weeks now. I have found it really has kick started my weight loss. Sjtaylor 18:8 is 16 hours of fasting with an 8 hour eating window (=24hrs).
KarenW1987 I do 16:8 everyday and 5:2 two days per week. I'm not totally strict with myself, if I feel like breakfast on the weekend I have it, but mostly I have found that I don't really feel like it. I'm really motivated to lose weight and reach my goal. When I do reach my goal on this manageable WOE, I will probably try to maintain with 16:8 and the occasional fast.
My personal opinion is give it a try and see if it works for you.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 10:34
It's kick started mine too. I 5:2 Mondays and Thursdays, 16:8 with sensible meals Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Then Weyhey in an 8 hour window on weekends. The window may be open a little later on Fridays too and there may be wine involved!! However, I wouldn't be adverse to opening the window wider on weekends if the opportunity presented itself. I started doing this in the hope that I would kick start the weight loss again but it may well have done it without the new regime. Who knows? But I didn't want to wait to find out. Good luck with whatever suits you.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 12:23
What times do you do the 16:8 from and to? Sorry might seem a silly question!
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 12:54
In weightloss mode I combined 5:2 with 16:8 on weekdays only and my eating window was 2-10pm; weekends were a free-for-all :-)

I'm maintaining using combination of 6:1, 16:8 and no snacking between meals.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 13:12
You can start eating at any time that suits you. I prefer to eat later because that's what suits my lifestyle so I start eating at about 1:00 and stop at about 9:00. That would include as an example; salad with chicken or tinned tuna or boiled egg or maybe an omelette with baked beans. A few cups of chai and a piece of fruit during the afternoon. Dinner of chicken or fish again with salad or vegetables, then more chai and fruit later if I fancy something. Oh or maybe a ryvita with a small piece of cheese and pickle. Outside of that time I drink green tea.

I only eat if I'm hungry, if its boredom I make some chai or do something. I don't have any potato, rice or pasta during the week except on Fridays when I have a small amount of rice with some curry and a small piece of naan bread. I absolutely don't have any cake, biscuits, crisps, chocolate or sweets during the week and then at weekends I can have them but in moderate portions. This is all a revelation to me, stopping to think before I eat and I am really enjoying it. Strange but true!!
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 13:27
Hi Sj, no such thing as a silly question! The daft thing is struggling on and not asking!

You can set your window to suit yourself. Like Bssh I do 2-10 as my regular window but I will adjust by an hour either way if it fits my day better.

I theory you aren't supposed to be able to eat more than will allow you to lose weight during an 8hr window but many of us here have proved that one wrong! :lol: I do like a lot of the others and try to stick with a moderate intake on weekdays and then slacken the reins a bit at the weekend. Its been shown by experience on here that going for 'weyhey' at the weekends can actually help as it fools your body into thinking that you aren't trying to lose weight so it keeps your metabolism ticking better. :smile:

I started out on 5:2 but it didn't really suit me so I changed over. I don't feel that the couple of months I spent doing it were actually wasted though as I learned a lot about hunger and the difference between being hungry or tired or simply fancying something. Its worth trying 5:2 first even if you decide to change over.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 21:11
I fully agree with Miffy49. I also started with 5:2 only, then after reading Ballerina's blogs on 16:8 thought it sounded like a better fit for me. I also read the 8 hr diet book. So now even though I am doing both 5:2 and 16:8 to kick start the losing process again I think in the long term 16:8 will be my preferred way of I.F.
My window starts at lunch at 12 or 1 and ends 8 hours later. I eat a decent lunch and normal dinner ( although do watch portion size) and i have an afternoon snack if I want. At weekends I have no restrictions during my eating window. I've lost 5 kg so far in 8 weeks with no hardship at all.
Re: 5:2 and 16:8 advice
12 Jun 2013, 21:52
Hi I am doing 5:2 +16:8 as well. I agree with all of the above advice and info. I came to it due to a slow down in weight loss. Also am looking to what feels good for moi for the long haul. It takes time to adjust to it but I like how it puts a boundary around the non fast days and keeps the foot on the pedal so to speak. Love my food so get the best of fast and some freedom in the window.

Just like 5:2 you fit it to suit your life, like a sliding scale depending what is happening in your week. But as I understand 3 days a week 16:8 along with 2 days 5:2 is enough to keep you in fat burning mode then a nice break of 2 days.

So far so good and I am going to review how I have done at the July weigh-in. Again my choice as to how I am finding this WOE
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