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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Fasting and working nights ...
09 Jul 2013, 12:33
I am very new to the 5:2 diet and was looking for a bit of advise. I work shifts and was wondering how it will work on nights.
For example - On my first night I usually get up around 11am and then work 1930 till 0800 the next morning. When will my first fast day finish ???
Hello caz and welcome to the forum. There are a few shift workers including night shift on the forum; if you do a search for something like 'shift work' it'll bring some topics up. Depending on how you are doing your fasts, I would say your fast day would finish after your sleep at the end of your shift, but other people would be able to advise better. Good luck and do let us know how you get on.
Thanks. I've had a look around the forum and found some useful hints and tips. I'll see how it goes tonight :S
caz89xx wrote: I am very new to the 5:2 diet and was looking for a bit of advise. I work shifts and was wondering how it will work on nights.
For example - On my first night I usually get up around 11am and then work 1930 till 0800 the next morning. When will my first fast day finish ???

I do 4 on 4 off back to back (bless them...)

To be honest I usually wait till I'm on free time (4 off).

Tuesday I finished at 7 am and went straight into a fasting day, using the physical activity of the night's work to kick start the fast.

As it happens I thought I'd get it over with and fasted today as well.

I propose to eat reasonably normally again tomorrow am.

I think really it's up to you how you want to work it. For me I can't be in a position of running out of steam whilst at work so I have to keep the calories coming in ( and they are sometimes not very good just have to do the best you can).

I don't know if you get a couple of free days a week? I presume so. I would use those for your fasting days when it is isn't going to affect your work too much. So long as you can get in a couple of 12 hour(ish) stretches you should be able to make good progress.

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