caz89xx wrote: I am very new to the 5:2 diet and was looking for a bit of advise. I work shifts and was wondering how it will work on nights.
For example - On my first night I usually get up around 11am and then work 1930 till 0800 the next morning. When will my first fast day finish ???
I do 4 on 4 off back to back (bless them...)
To be honest I usually wait till I'm on free time (4 off).
Tuesday I finished at 7 am and went straight into a fasting day, using the physical activity of the night's work to kick start the fast.
As it happens I thought I'd get it over with and fasted today as well.
I propose to eat reasonably normally again tomorrow am.
I think really it's up to you how you want to work it. For me I can't be in a position of running out of steam whilst at work so I have to keep the calories coming in ( and they are sometimes not very good just have to do the best you can).
I don't know if you get a couple of free days a week? I presume so. I would use those for your fasting days when it is isn't going to affect your work too much. So long as you can get in a couple of 12 hour(ish) stretches you should be able to make good progress.