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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Anyone tried complete fasting?
09 Feb 2013, 08:23
Like many of you I fast from the evening of a feast day through the whole of the next day until breakfast the following feast day, having my 500 calories in one go at tea time.

I am considering dropping the 500 calories meaning I don't have anything for 36 hours. I have heard to get the best health benefits (drop in IGF, etc) your body doesn't kick in until 24 hour fasting. Is that true?

Also when I first started fasting I suffered a lot of anxiety because it is ingrained into me to have 3 square meals a day. That has passed now but psychologically I am anguished at not eating anything for 36 hours. I'm sure I could do it because after 4/5 weeks I don't feel hungry on fast days.

Is anyone doing complete fasting for 36 hours? What's it like?
Morning wildmissus
Not an expert complete faster but did try it on Thursday for the first time. I did do it, went through the same hunger periods as when doing the 500cal for the first time, but got through it just the same by drinking plenty. Not sure what I will do in future. Think I may try 1 complete and 1 500cal each week until I'm at a stage where I don't want to lose anymore weight, then maybe 1 complete fast every week. It was my 7th fast and before that my weight had stayed the same. I had lost 2lb the day after the complete fast so maybe it was a good kick start?
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