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5:2 Diet Recipes

34 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 00:01
Are you a pink headed bean yet
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 04:56
Looks fab bean. Could eat that right now!
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 07:30
lol, who cares about presentation when it's gonna end up in ya stomach where no one can see it! as long as it tastes good and no one died after eating it, call it a rip roaring success! Is that from the bikers latest diet book? umming and ahring over getting it!
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 09:46
Must say that it is really an achievement to make a meat loaf look like it tastes yummy :) If it tastes as it looks, I'm gonna go my one and only hairy cookbook to see if I can find the recipe.

But today we are trying the Air Fryer for some chicken breast, so far we have only done potato things...
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 11:34
It's true - I am a huge Hairy Dieters fan! Their food is always so tasty and really filling, doesn't feel like a 'diet' then :wink:
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 12:07
My son made the 'tumble' pie I think its called. The Hairy version of the humble shepard's pie. I have to say it was tastier than my own version. I'm not sure what today's dinner will be. I will have to make youngests' mind up for him (its his housework day).
In fact I can see a cup of tea and a lounge in my garden seat with a cook book day coming on.
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 12:11
We all love baked beans but, .........a Baking Bean ? ..........well done beanie bobs, it all looks fabulous and I bet it tastes delish.....mmmmmmm

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 12:19
Ballerina wrote: We all love baked beans but, .........a Baking Bean ? ..........well done beanie bobs, it all looks fabulous and I bet it tastes delish.....mmmmmmm

Ballerina x :heart:

err...I thought baking beans were what you used in a pastry case to bake it blind? :razz: :shock: :grin:
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 12:29
hee hee I like the baking bean!!

oh @Dragosheart don't dilly dally...treat yourself! Ive got both books on my Kindle now...much cheaper that way :wink:

oops tummy is a rumblin Im a fasting bean today :starving:

by the way. bleached my hair AGAIN a blonde, nearly white bean now!

Bean :shock:
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 13:22
Oh my, i have a rumblin tum too
Time for lunch
Getting soooooo excited about your hair now Beanaretta x
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 16:11
Well I have posted them elsewhere so I'll put them here as well. Basically I've Bean...dyeing my hair. Here's the result

Bean :shock:
Blonde beanie bonce!
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 16:22
Love the new look @Nursebean it really suits you!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 16:28
Ooh I do like the blonde look, it really suits you :)
Re: Bean...
16 Mar 2014, 18:34
Oh thanks everyone! I can't tell you what a relief it is...phew

Bean :starving: :victory:
Re: Bean...
17 Mar 2014, 08:29
Pretty blond bean! Think i'll treat myself! not got a kindle but will troll amazon for a paper copy, I do like a bit of biker! ;)
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