The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

21 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 16:17
You can be sure @Lil! (It's approx. 400 kcals.)
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 17:28
Well I think I've settled on my menu now. I am going to have Frikadeller , hot dogs, a meat loaf that I am going to make and smoked salmon/gravadlax. I will make your cucumber salad and we will also have a red cabbage salad, a tivoli salad, a beetroot salad and an egg remoulade type thing. I may also make tha grandma salad. I have made a Danish rum pudding which will be served with cherries, a friend of mine is making a rice pudding with almonds and I am hoping someone will bring some Danish pastries. I may also make a berry based fruit salad. And Danish Blue cheese to round it off. Several friends are helping me with some of these dishes.
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 18:11
What time should we get there?:wink:
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 19:06
Leicestershire is not too far away...I'd travel over to you for that menu!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
11 May 2014, 13:17
Party food was a great success especially the cucumber salad - should have made double the recipe. Thanks@RunningOlsen!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
11 May 2014, 15:48
Good to hear @Lil! :smile:
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