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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 20:02
We are having a Eurovision party next week and I like to have food from the host nation. Anyone have any suggestions of Danish recipes?
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 20:03
@RunningOlsen is your man for this!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 20:30
But of course yes :D

Let me start with a little inquiry:
What kind of food/prep time do you have in mind?
Let me start with a list of all time favourites, and generally considered "Danish"

1. "Frikadeller" (Meatballs) - minced half pork/half veal mixed with flour eggs and onions, panfried in butter, served with potatoes and brown sauce, sometimes with red cabbage.

2. "Stegt flæsk" - 1 cm pork slices fried in pan, served with parsley sauce and potatoes.

3. "Rødspættefilet" - Flounder dipped in whipped egg and then turned in flour/bread crumb mix, pan fried, served with butter sauce, lemon slices and parsley.

4. "Flæskesteg" - oven roasted pork with crunchy "top", served with potatoes, brown sauce and red cabbage or cucumber salad.

5. "Hakkebøf med bløde løg og spejlæg" - beef of minced meat with pan roasted onions and fried egg with potato mash.

6. "Smørrebrød" - Open sandwiches of different kind on slices of rye bread, e.g. meat pie, eggs, shrimps, herring etc.

For dessert and this time of year you should opt for fresh strawberries with cream.

Let me know your direction and I'll find/rewrite a classic recipe and how to make that brown sauce :)
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 20:51
Thanks@RunningOlsen I want to do a buffet for around 20 - 25 peopls. I have been doing a bit of research myself. I think we can get Frikadeller ready made in the supermarket. It would be good to have your brown sauce recipe. I was thinking of maybe cooking a ham. Also smoked salmon maybe.Or maybe pea soup??? I would also like to do some salads. I need some things that are suitable for vegetarians. For dessert I have a recipe for a rum pudding that I have done before and of course danish pastries. My guests always offer to bring something so I like to have recipes that are not too complicated or expensive to give them.
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 22:10
Are pickled herrings/rolled mops Danish?
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
05 May 2014, 23:06
Absolutely Katamac, with rye bread and aquavit! Sliced egg, remoulade. Lovely!
We make a lovely cold red berry soup that I am not going to try and spell!
Also a lovely cold buttermilk soup and aebleskive, heavenly dumplings that you split and fill with jam, butter, cream, whatever!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
06 May 2014, 04:34
Wow to @Lil and @Debs! You know a lot about it already :)

For a buffet thing I'd go with the Frikadeller and then have some people make a homemade cucumber salad, it goes together with the frikadeller and is not a salad for vegetarians as such.
"Stegt flæsk" would be quite good to, it shouldn't be too expensive, it's easy to make but as you have to fry it hard your whole house can smell of it :dazed:
I suggest you get some to bring some rye bread and butter, over here we have some ready made baking mixes, if you can convince some in baking some it's really much better than a bought one.
Herrings in curry a very Danish, but any sort you can people to buy some glasses. I can also get you a recipe for homemade curry herring if you like.
Hard boiled eggs and tomato with mayonaisse is also a great open sandwich.
"Mormor salat" (Grandma salad) is a salad with cream/lemon dressing also goes with the frikadeller.
"Kartoffelsalat" (potato salad) is also very Danish and no vegetarian would leave hungry. It's boiled potatoes, then cooled and sliced in mayonaisse/onion dressing.
The brown sauce wouldn't work well as buffet, it's more for sitting and eating, but I'll find the recipe.
You have the desert covered but as Debs says "æbleskiver" (you can get them readymade for oven) would be very Danish. Serve with lots of strawberry and/or raspberry jam and icing sugar.
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
06 May 2014, 05:11
I am cheating somewhat, my hubby is half Danish!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
06 May 2014, 17:23
Traditional Danish cucumber salad:
1 cucumber
2 decilitre vinegar (clear)
1 decilitre sugar
0.5 decilitre water

1. Mix vinegar with boiling water and sugar and pepper until soluted. Add some whole peppercorns if you like.
2. Cut the cucumber in very thin slices
3. Add salt to cucumber slices, let "soak" for 10-15 minutes
4. Put cucumbers in a cloth and squish it as dry as you easily can
5. Put cucumbers in vinegar etc, let soak for at least 30 minutes.
6. Put in glass and fridge or eat right away!

Pictures and recipe in Danish

Fantastic for sausages, meatballs, pork!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
06 May 2014, 20:14
Thank you RunningOlsen. I like the sound of the dressing for "Mormor salat" (Grandma salad) is a salad with cream/lemon dressing also goes with the frikadeller. I think I will look that up and give it a try if I can.

Does this look authentic? Thanks ... reamy.html
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 04:14
@Wendy Darling, it looks spot on!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 06:00
I don't see how you could miss out on Danish pastries!
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 09:00
I was thinking we could just offer a 'breakfast' - bacon butties and danish pastries!

I am wondering about hot dogs - would they be authentic@RunningOlsen If so what would you serve with them - mustard and ketchup? Fried onions ????
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 10:08
Yes @Lil Hotdogs are very Danish :)

Mustard, ketchup, fried onions, RAW chopped onions (you usually either go with fried or raw) even "remoulade" (sort of pickles) and the mentioned cucumber salad.

I went across the street in my lunch break and took one for the good cause:
Re: Danish Recipes anyone?
07 May 2014, 10:33
Thanks for your efforts@RunningOlsenI presume it is not a fasting day!
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