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05 Mar 2015, 11:30
Hi all, I have cankles. :confused:

FYI: (An obese or otherwise swollen ankle that blends into the calf without clear demarcation. From the English word "calf" meaning wide portion of the lower leg, and "ankle" meaning slender joint of leg with foot.)

I wonder if they disappear and come back as ankles as you lose weight.
I have always been overweight and have no idea whether I'll ever had normal ankles ... :grin:
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 11:43
Hi Jinta, i feel for you as i am the same these days
I used to have slender ankles and have no idea when that changed - my ankles just disappeared one day when i wasnt being vigilant!
I asked my Gp would they revert back to normal as i lost weight but she didnt know
I guess I' ll just have to lose the weight to find out for myself!
In general, ive found that 5:2 has led to me losing weight from my trunky legs,which hasnt happened on the usual w/watchers & s/ world regimes! So if we stick with it,maybe our ankles will re appear! Tho if its a problem youve always had,i think its just a feature you have to learn to love.main thing is,if our legs can carry us round,we have to be grateful for that! X
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 12:25
Yes, the struggle is to love our bodies, however far they are from the commercial feminine ideal. The main reason for ankles is to hold your feet onto your legs. As long as they are managing that task, you've got to love them. I have fat ankles too.
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 16:50
Another poster says her ear lobes are skinnier (earrings are more comfortable). Surely that points to a good chance of losing the cankles! Take measurements of your ankles now and measurements as you go along. It might be hard to tell the difference otherwise.
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 21:31
Ooh dear! I hope you'll all soon be cankle-less. :victory:
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 21:45
It's ok for you Beano@nursebean ive seen yr photo and youve got a good pair of pins on you..i have to keep mine covered in case i startle any horses or make babies burst into tears! :confused: XX
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 22:12
Hee hee, those poor babies!!
Yes, when I lose weight, it always goes in my feet first! Works its way up slowly...very, very slowly!! Hey ho!
Re: Cankles
05 Mar 2015, 22:45
I only have ankles because my calves are so big!
Re: Cankles
06 Mar 2015, 08:26
LOL :grin: :rotfl: You're all so funny!!!
Have a nice cankle- or ankle-weekend! :heart:
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