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Eating less.....(costs less)...
12 Jan 2014, 13:30

Even my Mum is surprised at how little I'm eating now.

I've just been out for a walk, about three miles roughly, it's 1.20pm now roughly and I have no desire for food.

I'm just starting a can of sweet corn to keep ticking over...

If I'm honest I had a free day yesterday and guzzled some biscuits so maybe it's a guilt

I d0 sometimes compare when compare what I was eating in July (waking 3x for a ready meal) with now*.

I have found it's amazing what you cant train your body accept.

Anyone else?

*some time I need to tot up the calories I was getting through, maybe not
Yes managing fasting does did make me realise how much extra food I had thought I needed to eat before starting 5:2 ing. My grocery bill has also much reduced so food shopping is much simpler & cheaper now :like:
Yes, I agree. I definitely buy less food. I also love that on the days that I fast I save time in the morning, because I don't have to make lunch!
The saving of food is so extreme here that the usual overspend at Christmas coupled with fasting for 2 sometimes 3 of us, has meant that we will be living off the freezer contents until the 28th January. We still need to buy milk, eggs, butter and vegetables but we don't need any meat, fish or cheese till then.
Totally agree! I've only been doing this for a week and my appetite today compared to last Sunday has hugely decreased !! :) and all this awareness of calories on fast days had meant I've been more behaved when it comes to impulsive purchases. Success! x

one tin of sweet corn (small)

one banana

one tin of scotch broth

two cup a soups

cup of coffee

3 mile walk this morning

Not eating again now, now I ve got this far. I wasn't going to fast lol...
I travel quite a lot and I find that fasting on my travel day often works for me. Eating out can be quite expensive, especially so when you don't know the town. Today was just a short flight and I was given an egg on wholemeal bread sandwich that came in at approx 250 cals. For dinner I ate a tin of tuna and an apple approx. 250 cals. So all up I am still on track for a fast day and I only had to buy the tuna and apple from a local grocery store. When compared to buying lunch and dinner, I would expect to pay at least $15/ meal.

A year ago if I was travelling I would have spent a lot more $ and and eaten a larger number of calories.

Saving $ and saving my waistline, who woulda' thunk it could be so simple.
Not just my grocery bill has gone down, my latte bill has also!
This month it's the first time it's that obvious. Didn't go grocery shopping yet, won't before Saturday and it will only be because there will be snowing next week. I thought we would eat more during winter months, because of the cold, but it's the opposite, maybe because of all the soups we eat now.

Oh and the alcohol bill is twice smaller as it was before as well. The only big bill is the water bottle one, 3 times more than before :grin:

However, I tend to buy more high quality products. It seems to be natural as we eat less, the food should be better. After nearly a year, it's still a question of finding the right balance
Ive saved money for sure - even its just the 2 fast days..
But I am finding on a feast day I am slowly starting to eat less / more healthy
RobMorris wrote: Ive saved money for sure - even its just the 2 fast days..
But I am finding on a feast day I am slowly starting to eat less / more healthy

I wonder is this going to impact on the supermarkets at all.

Has there been any reaction at all or are figures small fry (excuse poss pun).
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