The FastDay Forum

Benefits & Side Effects

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hi - I have been doing the fast diet for 2 weeks now - I feel fine on my fast days, great in fact. I usually eat at lunch time and dinner time - (I dont eat breakfast), i drink plenty fluids. The next day I am fine in the morning - not even hungry but after eating normally all day (muesli for breakfast, crisps and sandwich for lunch, a few snacks (biscuits or fruit))I usually feel pretty tired with a lack of energy mid afternoon. Any tips on what i should or shouldn't be eating to overcome this? thanks x :smile:

I'm glad you feel fine on your fast days :) it took me a while but I'm mostly there now.

My advice would be to drink more the day after a fast. As you don't eat much the day before and lots of our fluids come from foods many people find they get dehydrated on a fast day, which can catch up with you the next day. Also as we break down fats and lose weight we also lose water.

I find that I drink more on a fast day to stave off hunger pangs but end up with a headache the next day because I'm dehydrated from the fast the day before and not drinking (I'm eating instead haha).

Also maybe you could just cut down on food and see if that helps :)
You might be getting a spike in your insulin levels (up and then down), because you seem to be eating quite a few carbs and might be worth upping your protein and fat and reducing your carbs slightly. It will be the sugar that is contributing to you feeling cranky.

Try breaking your fast with some eggs, eat some nuts for snacks and meat/fish with veggies/salad for lunch and healthy fat.
Well done on getting your first fasts done. I can get really sleepy on fast days and sometimes the day after too and I've been fasting for obver a year now. Most of the time thoughi'm fairly energetic. First fasts wiped me though!
I'm no expert but, in light of recent developments on the board and the continuing education ;) I wonder if you are eating a bit carb heavy afterwards. Lots of carbs can cause insulin spikes which in turn drop and can make you sleepy ( if I've got it right.)
Perhaps breaking your fast with a touch of protein might help.
There are lots of very knowledgable folk on here who will explain better. :)
Otherwise, keep at it and your body will adapt and begin to behave itself!
Edited to add
See! rawkaren knows these things!
:heart: Hi was going to say too many carbs :heart:
Yep go with @rawkaren drink plenty water and reduce your carbs even only slightly will help.
Glad you're feeling well on your fastdays that good news indeed and they will become even easier. :heart:
thanks for the advice - i will def try to keep hydrated and cut the carbs the day after and see how it goes x
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