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I have a little problem....
25 Feb 2014, 17:10
Okay reluctant to admit this one but I seem to burp on fast days!!!! Is this normal?

I might add that I never belch or burp- I'm a very ungassy person- unless I drink too much fizzy drinks, which is rare. But on fast days I have little moments of gassiness escaping from my mouth :grin:

It's never a big belch and unnoticeable but it makes me wonder if anyone else has this?
Re: I have a little problem....
25 Feb 2014, 17:52
Hi Danielle, I'm usually not a big burper or belcher, but I have read that a lot of burping is due to swallowing air as we eat and drink. Also, as far as gas in general goes, I was reading Joel Fuhrmann (sp), and he really is high on legumes (beans). He said that we can build our gut bacteria up in its ability to digest beans more fully by starting out slowly, eating a tablespoon of beans at each meal. It can act as a prebiotic. I don't know if that might help in your situation or not. At any rate, I think it takes time to adjust to a new way of eating. I find that if I overdo on fatty meats or refined carbs, I don't feel well at all. I guess that's a good thing. :lol:
Good luck in figuring it out.
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