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Benefits & Side Effects

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Hello Everyone,

I only started 5:2 last Monday and am fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have been amazed how easy I have found the fasting days (so far, ha ha!). I have been saving my allowance for dinner with the kids at 5 pm, and have found that I've literally been buzzing with energy on fast day afternoons, I even did half an hour of step aerobics last night, just because I felt like it, and I don't ever think that has happened before! :smile: I lost half a pound last week, scales went up and down in the week but I'm only doing 'official' weigh in on Monday morning.

The problem I'm having is on the day after fasting, I find I'm having a very bad slump in energy levels at about three pm, finding it very hard to keep going and getting very irritable and snappy (poor children :confused: ), also very sleepy. I had a small bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast, a ham sandwich and half a blueberry muffin and an apple for lunch.

If anyone has any tips or advice I'd be really grateful (and so would the children and my colleagues!) Thanks!
I can only suggest that what you have eaten is very carb heavy with your cereal, bread and muffin causing a spike in your blood sugar and consequent slump in energy. Try eating some protein and more veggies or salad as in a chicken or prawn stir fry perhaps?
Thank you callyanna, I will try that.
Forgot to add eggs also make a great breakfast instead of cereal/toast after a fast day! Best of luck! Just experiment and see what suits you best.
I was going to say the same as @callyanna but she beat me to it. For the first meal or two after a fast, ditch the cereals, bread and cakes. As has been said they will cause your blood sugar to spike very high. High levels of sugar in the blood is bad for you so the body's defensive mechanism is to send out the insulin to mop up the excess and convert it to fat. But insulin is usually just a bit too good at its job and doesn't leave the tiny amount of sugar you need for energy. It takes a while for the fat to be converted into energy, so you suffer a terrible energy slump.

The cure for it is to not get the sugar levels up high enough to cause a spike. This means going low carb for your first meal. Omelettes are my go to option on a post fast brunch (I just cannot eat breakfast post fast anymore, nor other days either), I usually make it with 2 or 3 eggs, ham or bacon and/or cheese. Fried in a little butter. The fat will help you to feel fuller for longer.
Thank you both so much for the advice, and the information, I really appreciate the help. I don't want to feel the way I have today again, it's just too difficult to manage. I will be having eggs on Thursday morning! X
:heart: Hi @CharlieCook Sorry as I'm late for the party but the way you've been feeling with the highs + full of energy well that's my story for my first 8 months and as @callyanna And @Julieathome Both said carbs this has got to be the connection because at my start from day one I stopped both my cereal and my lunchtime bread thus making a significant reduction in my carb intake toward my eating patterns of old and absolutely everyone in my life has commented on my "highs" such a change something to think about for both you and me because I'm now struggling since xmas with the extra carb foods and leftover cake + stuff, that said my energy levels have decreased considerably and the carbs will probably be the answer for both of us. :heart: :heart:
I'd just like to add that while you are adjusting, coffee is a marvelous thing!
I have a large coffee with skim milk, yoghurt, fruit and a small amount of oats for breakfast after a fast, and a nourishing Vietnamese beef noodle soup for lunch. I have tried a curry for lunch the day after fasting but the rice doesn't agree with me. On other days less of a problem. Good luck!
Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate the support! Yes Sue.Q it does sound like carbs are the problem; one good thing about the 5:2 is that is re-educating me about food and what it does to my body, and education is always a good thing! Unfortunately Chook I don't like coffee but will treat myself to one of my favourite (disgustingly) milky cups of tea! And thank you Wmr309, I think I will try yoghurt for breakfast on a non fast day; it's a bit quicker than eggs before work. xx
Evening all, just to update I fasted yesterday with no problem at all and wasn't particularly hungry this morning but had two eggs and half a slice of toast before work followed by a chicken breast salad for lunch (lettuce, tomato, cucumber). I didn't have a massive 3pm slump as before,abut did feel a bit tired but that could be because I was up all night with the kids! A great improvement anyway and I'm feeling very positive about this all! Thank you again for the help. X
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