The FastDay Forum

Benefits & Side Effects

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It sounds like low blood sugar to me. Two things to try:

L-Glutamine. Get the powder, just a teaspoon in a glass of water. Take it every morning until your body gets used to having less sugar and feel you don't need it any more.

Coconut water (not milk). Full of electrolytes (very good for hangovers BTW)
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your replies a couple of weeks ago on this - i have been trying various combinations of things and the nausea has completely gone (I think it was low blood sugar) the point where I am now feeling able to 16:8 on my non fast days too, so a great result! Thank you. :)
Hi Indiegirl,

I have that nausea feeling too. For me its worse on fast days but as others have said once I eat it gets better.
I am happy to hear its not just me )
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