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Benefits & Side Effects

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14 May 2014, 08:08
Has anyone else been feeling sick after they eat normal food on non fasting days? Or first thing in the morning after breakfast? I seem to be noticing an increase in nausea and wondered if anyone else had experienced this :bugeyes: xxxx
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 10:00
Very occasionally but mostly not. Is it every day?
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 10:44
Not every day - I've definitely noticed my appetite decrease which I didn't think was a bad thing, but really not enjoying the nausea. If nobody else experiences this and it continues maybe I should go and see a doctor just to check all is OK xxx
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 11:08
No i havent, but usually post fast day, i don't eat til midday or later.I've read on here of others finding the day after fast they feel sick when they eat..advice seems to be, go easy on what you eat after a fast day...hopefully someone can tell you more.sorry about that, hope it improves,nausea is horrid x
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 13:10
What are you eating for breakfast Hannah? As Candice has said, others have found the same thing. Cutting down the amount of breakfast and finding which foods are least troublesome has been the answer. I would advise avoiding high carb foods to break your fast as this can cause a spike in blood sugar to a greater extent after fasting than at normal times as your body has to start producing insulin to deal with the blood sugar when it hadn't needed any while you were fasting. Slow release types of carbs are better. Whether this also causes nausea I don't know. Certainly others have had this problem and solved it. Hopefully someone with first hand experience will be along to advise you.
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 13:26
Thanks for this everyone, really helpful responses! I normally have either some toast/a crumpet or some porridge - but will have a look at other options and see if I notice any improvements. Thanks again all! X
Re: Nausea?
14 May 2014, 13:29
Hi Hannah

When I first started, I felt like that and got really bloated when I ate breakfast after a fast. I think I ate porridge or cereal which you would think was ok. If you need something in the morning after a fast try an egg or two in some form, or cottage cheese or yoghurt. These are also great for breaking your fast at lunchtime. You do have to be gentle breaking your fast and personally for that meal low carb seemed to be best, for me anyway.

Hope you get over this unpleasantness.
Re: Nausea?
15 May 2014, 04:32
yes, I do sometimes, Hannah. Last time it happened was while eating out in Singapore last week on an 18:6, and I was so annoyed that I couldn't eat my share of the chilli crab that everyone was tucking in to. I really felt nauseous. I did manage some pepper crab, but felt completely stuffed after that & sick. But I'd done a back-to-back 2 day fast and only had a day of eating fairly lightly in between, so I think the effect was a bit additive. Yes, best just to eat lightly & low carb when breaking a fast I find. Otherwise I can also get the "rapid transit", although I haven't had that for a month or so.
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