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Not interested in junk food?
10 Jan 2014, 14:11
Has this happened to anyone else? This morning there was a breakfast at work. I fasted yesterday so I ate at home, not wanting to wait until I got here to eat. But, I stopped in anyway and there was all sorts of donuts and pastries and such and I really wasn't interested in any of them!!

Also, I have had a ton of energy this week. I am not sure if it's because I'm just coming off a long vacation (extra days due to snow days) and my 2nd job hasn't started back up yet or if the diet has anything to do with it.

Either way, I'm not complaining. I feel great and my fasting days were both pretty easy this week. I started this before the holidays, but took a break over the holidays and this was the first week I had 2 fasts since then.
I think a lot of us find our tastes change somewhat and we crave more healthy stuff :) Not to say we never ever feel like eating some rubbish, but for the most part it's less appealing. I know I ate a lot of junk over the holidays but found it very easy to stop once back at my desk and the treats were put away/gone.

Likewise I'm far less inclined towards 'oven food' as I call it. On a fast day my husband (non-faster) will have something like pizza & chips, chicken burger or that sort of thing. Processed rubbish that you sling in the oven. I don't miss it at all. If I ate that I wouldn't feel like I'd had any goodness out of it unless I had a massive salad on the side and made my own wedges from real potatoes. I want to give my body the best (and a bit of cake & biccies now and then too ;) - often homemade though!)
I would say that I 'crave' junk food, in an addictive way. Very often when I do give in and have the said junk food I don't actually like it, or there is some part to it that is distasteful. For example a danish pastry, covered in icing sugar. I don't like the icing sugar anymore, its way too sweet. So I peel the icing sugar off, but then the pastry tastes too dry and the texture is all wrong.

As for 'oven' food as Moogie calls it, I try and do something with it to make it a proper meal. For example, I turn chicken nuggets into sweet and sour with battered chicken (the chicken nuggets),I pile in extra peppers, baby corn and onions to bulk out the veg and do some stir fry veg on the side. Any kind of 'T.V, dinner I usually add a pile of extra veg to it as well.
I've not really been into junk food as such don't get me wrong I go the chippy and on occasion Mac's But haven't gone to places like Iceland for years, frozen food wise i only buy peas ice cream+ occasional deserts, but every now and then I do give in like one day last week returning in the dark + wet 6pm!!!my OH fancied the chip shop did I choose chicken breast No.
Then yesterday something similar and as I'd done 2 fasts I gave in again. Today was a real eye opener I unusually do something like a 20:4 so skipped breakfast visited the bathroom before my usual jump on scales feeling "thinner" OMG!! Thought I'd gained over 1kg was so annoyed/gobsmaked/Low. I then came on here before my trip to shops went to fill in tracker and realised my gain is 200grams I'm shocked that I've gained considering the week I've had but was very close to ruin today probably heading towards McDonald's. so obviously the urge is still there somewhere hidden deep and just shows how fragile we can become and should learn to trust our tape measure just a little more than the scales. Don't know why I was on the road to ruin because I can honestly say in my almost 9 months on this WOL I've never once felt deprived of anything at all including McDonald's doorway which I haven't crossed in that time.
It could just be a fluke today and that I had already eaten breakfast. Perhaps if I were hungrier it would've been more appealing. We'll see!!
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