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2.3 mile walk !

Is that all I hear you all say, lightweight :grin:

Well for me, super couch potato, exercise is a word that should have never been invented ! Last time I did a walk was Sept last year, Beaulieu to Bucklers hard 4.75 round trip. Had an ice cream half way and watched the world go by with ducks sat next to me waiting for tit bits ! Walk nearly killed me as I was a good 2.1/2 stone heavier then !

So instead of just moping around this morning, I popped my layers on, thermal top, fleece etc, earmuffs, walking jacket & boots - I even semi looked the part :clover:

Did a loop round the block. It was actually quite warm in the sun. Had a good look in peoples gardens and windows (I can't help it, I am nosey !).

Nothing to taxing as I have overdone it recently with walking up stairs at work and my knee swelled up and was painful. At least my knee didn't stiffen up like last weekend doing a bit of shopping :smile:

I wouldn't have even gone for a walk a few months back, come to think of it, make that years back :lol: But I didn't want to be sat around all weekend... :like:
I have a spinal problem that also effects my legs so exercise (normal mobility) can be a big hassle :-( nice when you have days when you can enjoy a walk :-)
Well done Gill. You will be tracking your daily steps soon...... :like:
rawkaren wrote: Well done Gill. You will be tracking your daily steps soon...... :like:

Thanks Karen... however, I wouldn't quite go that far... :grin:
Well done Gill. Walking is wonderful...and as you've discovered its great for nosey folk!! I love walking my dogs :-)
Well, Minigill , congrats on your walk !

To be honest , I'm a " fair weather walker" and only venture out if it's 1) not raining heavily 2) not windy 3) not Baltic !

No's 1) & 2) play havoc with my hair - I'm not a hat person , and any degree of rain/ wind ruins my hair - this isn't vanity , incidentally ! I've got the sort of hair that looks ok post-shampoo/ styling , but quickly degenerates into " been through a hedge backwards" look at the drop of a hat . . . . not a good look! :frown:

No 3) Baltic also requires a hat - ok when it's on but NOT a good look when you take it off ( remember Shrek and his Helmet Hair ? Well, that's me !). Fine if you're staying at home post- walk ; not so good if you're meeting friends later !

Like you, Minigill , I try to keep active ; cold and dry/ sunny I can deal with , but wet and windy
( sadly the norm for my neck of the woods in November ) is a real turn-off. Also strong wind / rain makes my mascara run . . . . . !?!?!?!

Incidentally ( and joking apart ) I love long walks as long as it's on the flat ; arthritic hips and knees don't take kindly to uphills and downhills . . . .

Hoping to venture out tomorrow if the rain stays off long enough !!

Sounds like a catalogue of excuses , but have resolved to walk tomorrow no matter what. . . . :grin:
Goldilocks loved your post and smile at your name too as it has a hair association. Where you live must be cold with Baltic winds. I must walk more

Well done gill
This post inspires me to at least THINK about walking. I used to have a really regular practice but it has fallen by the way side of late. I did a lot of walking last year to prepare for the Overland Track - a 6 day mountain walk, which I did in February this year. It nearly killed me and I've lost the will to walk and to go to the gym. Perhaps a little light gardening is more my thing on this gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon.
I want to do it to. It was about 2 years ago, yes 2 years ago when i started doing waldl around the block, maybe for a good hour. I love walking around the neighbourhood as opposed to doing "laps" around the walking path in the park. Even bought special walking shoes and now i wear them in the garden.

So yeah you've inspired me though sometimes i think as long as im upright and doing stuff around the house/garden, thats still "steps" so maybe it doesnt matter.
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