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Re: Hair Loss?
07 Apr 2013, 01:15
Hopefully this will be helpful to you. I have been experiences hair loss for a year or so - thinking perimeonpause is to blame - and in the last few weeks on this diet I definitely have less hsir in the drain. an aside - no more night sweats!
Re: Hair Loss?
08 Apr 2013, 08:15
Hi Nora,

When the menopause hit me my hair got thinner and my waist got thicker, my eyes got bad so I thought I still cut the mustard til I got glasses, depressing or what? I just accepted it as part of life and that some folk had worse things to worry about. When I entered my sixties my hair got thinner again, beyond a joke, I thought. I still have very thick hair compared to some but for me it is now thin and lank, not a good look.

Anyway, my husband has shoved a multi-vitamin pill down my throat every morning now for months as he is convinced that I need it on the 5:2 diet. AlthoughI have been on maintenance now for over a month I still keep up this way of life by having a daily 8 hour feeding window, just skip breakfast and don't nibble in the evening, easy. I wanted to maintain the benefits, if any, of fasting but recently I have noticed that my hair has become a little thicker again. My husband and a close friend noticed and commented on this so, the conclusion? I don't know why my hair has started to thicken up again, I don't think it will ever be as it was but every little is gratefully received, is it the daily fasting? Is it the vitamin pill? Is it because I eat that bit more healthily? Who knows, I don't, although I did read, somewhere else, about a lady whose husband was on this way of life and she noticed that his non existent hair started to re-appear.

I don't have my hair permed any more although I do colour it with a non-peroxide colour and have cut back on hairspray in an attempt to hang on to what I have so good luck with every aspect of this wonderful eating regime,

Ballerina x
Re: Hair Loss?
10 Apr 2013, 13:47
Thanks to one and all. Actually, having a light perm and cutting it shorter have helped the look if not the problem. However, not a lot of hair on brush or down plug holes so I am hoping things have stabilised. Now on a 6 to 7 hour feeding window, lunch to dinner and usually no snacking, and a 500 day when I've been overindulging. Fingers crossed what hair I have left will last a bit longer.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
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