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PMT bloating
27 Mar 2013, 12:37
I just want to bring this up as another factor for those who are panicking about the odd weeks where they might see a weight gain. Of course it's only a factor for those who are still menstruating, but if you are starting to see a pattern where once a month the weight goes up, then it's probably a factor.

Prior to starting 5:2, my main premenstrual symptom has always been water retention. Some months I might have gained around 5lb in the space of a week and then lost it all in the first two days of my period. Clothes would get tighter, ankles were swollen and I even had a set of larger bras for that week of the month :lol:

One month into 5:2 I still got the bloat, but not as bad. Last month my weight just stayed steady. And now I'm coming up to 3 months on 5:2 and in my PMT week and so far, no symptoms at all. Will let you know next week if the scales still went down.

Since fat cells store oestrogen, then it makes sense that the more fat you have, the more you might bloat just before your period. Now I'm losing fat, I'm going to have less oestrogen to cause the water retention. I also think that now I've adjusted to this WOL, I have less PMT food cravings - in the past I would wolf down salty snacks and sweet carbs in that week, which would also have grabbed onto the water. I no longer have those urges to snack.

So ladies, has anyone else noticed a change in their PMT symptoms while on 5:2? Or are you still getting water retention every month?
Re: PMT bloating
27 Mar 2013, 12:51
I have a huge problem with water retention. Once a week I take a special peeing pill (my friends and I call it that for fun) and I weigh meself before and after I take it. On the weeks when I had my period, I usually get rid off 3 kilos of water while on the rest of the weeks it's around 2.
I'm expecting my period next week so it will be interesting to see how I'll go with fasting AND craving for sugar and salt all the time!!!
Re: PMT bloating
06 Apr 2013, 11:55
Coming back to report on this one - absolutely no water retention this month - weight loss continued in my PMT week, which is great news. Three months in and that's a symptom gone. Yet another benefit of 5:2 for me!
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