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Rosacea ...
01 May 2013, 18:57
Any one suffer from rosacea and if so, have you noticed any difference on the 5:2 diet?

I seem to remember someone somewhere on here saying they'd seen an improvement ... Hope this is true!
Re: Rosacea ...
05 May 2013, 00:13
I've just started and I'm hoping this will improve my rosacea. Will let you know!
Re: Rosacea ...
05 May 2013, 09:03
Mine is not as bad as it used to be. Many years ago I was prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics for a minimum of 6 months and that helped a lot. It eventually came back but was never as bad again. It does improve with age which means mine has improve enormously over the years anyway but it does seem calmer these days. Sorry if that was not quite as encouraging as you had hoped for but the thing is, it is better and the fasting has not aggravated it. Rosacea is very unpleasant and is stimulated by certain foods and alcohol. I find I am drinking less wine, not a lot less, but less and perhaps with other subtle changes in my diet this is helping. I don't think the fasting in itself will change anything but perhaps, like me, you will have made different food choices which might impact on the condition. :smile:

Keep it up anyway as you will totally transform your lives and that is wonderful :like:

Ballerina x
Re: Rosacea ...
05 May 2013, 17:48
Many thanks for both your answers. I had the worst possible form of rosacea some years ago, and although I made a good recovery (after 6 months off work) I do still get the occasional stubborn outbreak - not so much the typical flare I'm pleased to say, but boils and spots which are almost as bad - you know the feeling! Luckily these do respond to basic antibiotics, but my experience of this life-long condition means that I never discount its return, and am always thinking of what it might be going to do next :frown: We will wait and see .... Will of course be interested to hear of anyone else's experiences, as rosacea varies so much in how it occurs from person to person. Xx
Re: Rosacea ...
05 May 2013, 18:09
I've been on 5:2 for almost a month, and have not noticed any difference at all in my rosacea. I'm thankful that the diet has not caused any flare-ups! I've had it for over 20 years, and every now and then I have to go on antibiotics because the rosacea gets in my eyes.
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