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Benefits & Side Effects

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Menopausal night sweats stopped
05 May 2013, 12:45
gspme mentioned that she has no more pre-menopausal night sweats since she's been on 5:2, I'm post-menopausal (having started at the tenderage of 40) and since gspme mentioned it I have realised that my sporadic night sweats seem to have disappeared too :smile:

Anyone else experienced that?
this'll be a brilliant "side effect" if right! i'm pre-menopausal and taking natural suppliments for the hot flushes and mood swings (which i dont think i get lol!)time will tell :smile:
5:2ing seems to have beneficial side effects in that department. I'm not pre/post menopausal - both my sister & I no longer have any period cramps. Also reported by others in another thread. Will be curious to see if others have noticed similar benefits post change. Would be an interesting research topic for somebody.
I am post menopausal and have to say that it was never a problem for me, I just sailed through it. My husband , on the other hand, had a terrible time, tears, tantrums, you name it, he did it, begged me to have HRT, but I refused. :smile:

We both survived it but he still suffers nightmares and flashbacks to this day, :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x
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