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It can be that I crave carbohydrates, or purely binge eating.But I don't like the fact that I eat more than usual the evening before fast.

Initially I didn't have this issue. I am on my 11th fast today

But now I find myself to eat rice cakes, bread with jam, biscuits and or ice cream(if there is any)after my normal dinner. It is becoming a problem as this makes the fast day more difficult.And I crave butter..well not just crave but eat too.

Am I over thinking it? :?:
Well I have been craving and bingeing on carbs too and not just the day before fast. I wonder for me if it's just because I am 'allowed' to eat them after all this no carb eating. I wonder if you are psychologically feeling u need to store up before you 'starve' - our minds are incredible things. I know mine needs some serious talking to at the moment. Fast days super easy to be in control, feed days chaos and I don't feel good after eating this unhealthy food or too much healthy food. Good luck with finding a solution. Have u thought of telling yourself your fast starts at the end of dinner (and before u would normally start bingeing on carbs)?...just a thought
Thank you yes I do think because of previous diets where I got really hungry, this is a psychological challenge where I really feel a need to feed to make up for what I might feel deprived of
I guess this new way of eating will have some challenges,and at least I realise I do it, and can address is.

Someone said I should brush my teeth immediately after dinner and stay out of the kitchen
I went thru a similar thing. First few weeks of fasting were fine, then I hit a patch where I binged a few evenings before a fast. I don't track things carefully, so I can't be sure, but I don't recall having done this since going to a more 4:3 type fasting pattern. I really need to start writing this sort of stuff down so I can go back and look.

Another thing I do when I start to prowl thru the kitchen looking for snacks is to ask myself "Am I hungry? Do I have hunger pangs? Or am I bored? Or is something else going on?" It doesn't always work, but it helps. Distractions help me too. My house is much cleaner nowadays. :grin:
It's got to be in your mind, not a physical craving. Your body has no way of knowing you're going to "starve" tomorrow, as the nature of a 7 day week means there is no real pattern to the fasting.

I agree with the distraction theory. I am addicted to watching "The West Wing" on my iPad (I can't stop at one episode!) and while I was watching it last night in bed I told myself as soon as one ep finished I would go downstairs for a spoonful of peanut butter I was fancying. By the time the show ended I just couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and get it. So that's 100ish calories I didn't consume!
That's really great...I love peanut butter myself
Last night I was really good, fasting was harder work to stay distracted like you say. But I don't want it to be this way..Hope it stops
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