The idea for this post arose in the recent weight loss challenge (regarding the international date line) when I realized where I'd been in the world in terms of being the farthest north, farthest south, farthest east and farthest west.
You'll need access to a globe to do this correctly. To post your reponse consider your boundaries being set by your having spent at least one week there, which means that your current home is somewhere within the boundaries of that potential vastness. In the middle ages people could live their entire lives traveling no more than 6 miles (~10K) from home. Time have changed ~slightly~ so it should be interesting to see the spectrum of smallest to largest traveled areas.
For me the farthest:
East: Barcelona, Spain (as a toddler)
North: North Dakota (staring at sunflowers to the horizon in all directions).
South: Big Island, Hawaii.
West: Kauai, Hawaii
Consider this an excuse to get out and travel more!
You'll need access to a globe to do this correctly. To post your reponse consider your boundaries being set by your having spent at least one week there, which means that your current home is somewhere within the boundaries of that potential vastness. In the middle ages people could live their entire lives traveling no more than 6 miles (~10K) from home. Time have changed ~slightly~ so it should be interesting to see the spectrum of smallest to largest traveled areas.
For me the farthest:
East: Barcelona, Spain (as a toddler)
North: North Dakota (staring at sunflowers to the horizon in all directions).
South: Big Island, Hawaii.
West: Kauai, Hawaii
Consider this an excuse to get out and travel more!